…during disbursement of millions in Rose Hall
A HIGH-POWERED government team Sunday visited several schools in Region 6 to observe the disbursement of the Government of Guyana’s $10,000 ‘Because We Care’ education vouchers.

At Rose Hall Primary, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds addressed the large gathering, and paid tribute to his parents and grand-parents who sacrificed so much to give him a solid education. In those days, he said, his parents didn’t have much money. “Like some parents here, they were living largely on what they farmed. But whatever money they had, they made it a top priority to provide us with clothing and sent us to school.”
PM Hinds grew up like most children during the 50’s and 60’s. He went barefooted through primary school, but that didn’t stop him from getting a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of New Brunswick.
The Prime Minister urged parents to use the money to send their children to school, and to keep them there. Parents, he said, need to spend more time with their children, and keep abreast with what they’re doing in school. He urged parents to manage the viewing of television for the good of their children, “Parents need to keep the television off during the time when children are studying and doing their homework.”

The Prime Minister assured parents that the government will review the success of this programme with a view to increasing the amount next year, provided things get better and the economy continues to improve.
This was hinted at earlier by Education Minister Priya Manickchand, who said, “As our country grows and the economy gets better, this (grant) too will grow.” A caring government that invests heavily in education and the prudent financial management of the nation’s economy are the reasons government can now afford to give every child in the public school system $10,000 to help parents with the means to send their children to school, hoping to improve attendance. The response by parents has been overwhelming in appreciation of the financial support given by government. Every day, in excess of twelve million dollars is being distributed to parents and guardians throughout every region in Guyana.
The high-powered government team that observed the distribution of the vouchers in Region 6, included President Donald Ramotar; Education Minister Priya Manickchand; Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall; Minister of Health, Dr. Bheri Ramsaran; and Agriculture Minister, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy.
President Ramotar and the Minister of Education started off at JC Chandisingh Secondary, before meeting with parents at Port Mourant Primary; Rose Hall Primary; Fyrish Primary and Cropper Primary, where the other government officials were.
The distribution process was well-organized, and parents were able to secure their vouchers rapidly.
To date, more than $600M have been given to parents and guardians in every region of Guyana. The campaign continues until every child registered in the system is accounted for. Parents are reminded that they have until the end of November to en-cash their vouchers at any Western Union outlet throughout the country. Government will stand the cost of all Western Union transaction fees to allow parents to benefit from the full $10,000 per voucher.