IT was a parade of scintillating coloured lights and lavishly decorated vehicles with riders in costumes in clashing primary colours. Last evening, as Hindus prepared to usher in Diwali, the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha’s annual Diwali motorcade brought a glitzy glamour to Campbellvile and Kitty, winding its way to La Bonne Intention on the East Coast Demerara for the final stage of judging.
Assembling at the Shri Krishna Mandir on Campbell Avenue, Campbellville, Georgetown, the decorated floats depicting the true meaning of Diwali made their way in a procession through several city streets and on to the Rupert Craig Highway, along which they travelled, wending their way to the La Bonne Intention (LBI) Community Centre Ground for the cultural programme and final judging.
Speaking briefly with the Guyana Chronicle the Dharmic Sabha’s President, Dr. Vindhya Persaud, explained that “this is definitely the biggest motorcade put on by the Sabha.”
Dr. Persaud said that she is proud that the Sabha’s motorcade is now attracting more participation from Berbice, East Bank of Demerara, West Bank and West Coast of Demerara and it is her hope to attract next year persons from Essequibo.
According to Dr. Persaud, she got the opportunity to view all 26 floats and to mingle with persons that lined the streets to have a glimpse of the floats.
Hundreds of persons lined the streets with cameras, phones and other gadgets to capture the spectacular displays of lights and devotees ensconced on the trucks, canters, open back pickups and other vehicles from which blared religious melodies usually associated with Diwali celebrations.
Amidst his task as a judge of the richly decorated floats, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Dr. Frank Anthony took some time out to speak with the Chronicle noting that this year he viewed some very beautiful and creative floats redolent with the theme of Diwali. As Minister Anthony mingled with persons viewing the floats, he said, “This year we see a lot of creativity and good craftsmanship and the competition is more competitive.” He also wished those present a Shubb Diwali.
(By Rebecca Ganesh-Ally)