Sukhram siblings, Deo and Mohamad top categories
COMING back to the fore after a good win in her category in the Ladies section of the Suriname Open competition on October 7, Christine Sukhram took the winning spot among the ladies last Saturday, at the Massy United Insurance Golf tournament which was held at the Lusignan Golf Course. Her brother Rishi Sukhram, who performed creditably a month ago at the Barbados Open competition, continued his winning streak in Guyana, by winning in his 0-9 handicap category for the fourth consecutive competition.
After his win, Rishi, who had been off golf play for a few years due to work and other commitments, said, “I find the win easy. I expect to play regularly now, and would like to even improve my play.”
The tournament was played on the medal-play flights system, a format which sees unless a special prize is awarded for the Best Net, a single winner for the tournament is not declared but rather winners are declared for the respective flights.
For the day’s play the winning lineup was as follows: Ladies category Christine Sukhram 9/72; A-Flight (0-9 h/cap) – 1st Rishi Sukhram 8/71, 2nd Sunil Loutan 8/72; B-Flight (10-18 h/cap) – 1st, Chatterpaul ‘Chen’ Deo 15/70, 2nd, Roy Cummings 10/71; C-Flight (19-28 h/cap) – 1st, David Mohamad 20/66, 2nd Balgobin Ragnauth 26/67.
The Nearest to The Pin was also won by Roy Cummings and if there had been a prize for best net it would have gone to Mohamad.
Ms Gail Robinson, Administrative Manager of John Fernandes Insurance Services Ltd (JFISL) the local agents for Massy United Insurance, a Barbados-based Insurance Company, was on hand at the prize-giving ceremony and expressed her pleasure at the day’s activity.
“As the representative of Massy United Insurance, formerly United Insurance, of Barbados, I am very happy at the publicity that today’s activity and Massy United Insurance received. It has always been a pleasure for us to support golf in Guyana, and we shall continue to do so.”
Present with Ms Robinson were Claims Officer Vibert Austin and an officer in the Clerical Department of JFISL, Sarfraz Sahid and his family.
Deo, in his remarks as Club captain, congratulated golfers for their keen and competitive performances, adding “I would like to give special thanks to our Club president for his initiative with regard to getting the Government to improve the access road.
The road has so far been scraped and levelled. Though it is now nearly three years after the Government’s initial promise to improve the road, we are all happy that positive attention has now been given to it, due to the direct involvement of the Club’s president.”
Mohamad later had an unusual presentation to make to Ms Robinson, in the form of a special golf ball which was brought back from Barbados by Rishi Sukhram with the brand ‘United Insurance’ labelled on it. He thanked her for her and United Insurance’s great support of golf in Guyana and the Lusignan Golf Club.