EVERY once in a while a report by a foreign superpower pigeonholes Guyana’s socio-economic and political dynamics into categories that are far-removed from the realities of the Guyanese landscape, with ‘information’ (sic!) gathered by ‘experts’ that form the analytical bases of these exceptionally skewed reports: And here one needs to recall the UN ‘expert’ Fay McDougall, who would serve as a primary example.McDougall and, by association, the UN, had marginalised and dehumanised a great proportion of the Guyanese collective by her extremely-flawed, totally-biased, overwhelmingly-offensive report that read like a paper presented by a member of Guyana’s Opposition cabal, which include the GHRA and various media houses and NGOs.
These people calling themselves experts (experts at what, and by what definition?) come to our country with preconceived and entirely prejudicial perceptions, enjoy our hospitality, formulate opinions about us after a few days stay, and then, deeming themselves to be experts at deciphering our national demographics, diminish us as denizens of indeterminate or minimal capacity to interact as a civilised people and to chart and programme our own survival, even while the demographics of their own territories lie in chaos and are spiralling out of control.
The unmitigated arrogance of Fay McDougal and her like should look for flaws and filth in their own backyards, which make our problems seem like molehills to mountains in comparison, before pronouncing on Guyana and Guyanese.
For instance, while the security services are balanced more toward Afro-Guyanese in numbers, it is counterproductive to the current reality and diminishes the morale of our joint forces to conclude that Indo-Guyanese are upset and threatened by these numbers.
This may have been so in the past, but Guyana’s security services, except for a few mavericks, who are systematically being weeded out, have fought relentlessly to purge the society of criminal elements, and have succeeded immeasurably, even at the expense of the lives of some brave officers.
However, McDougal, in her report, denigrated Guyana’s security sector by disparaging the trust reposed in them by a large segment of the public, who could, after the dispersal by death and/or capture of the rabid members of criminal gangs, now sleep with some degree of assured safety, which was intrusive, unforgivable and crass.
No society is entirely free of crime, including the one to which McDougal belongs, and we have a far way to go to eradicate criminality, but if McDougal had investigated properly, without her prejudice blinding her, she would have discovered that our young Guyanese men are being encouraged to embark on the criminal path instead of seeking employment, or legal ways to empower themselves, by the very persons from whom she accessed all her data.
If she had investigated properly and taken all the variables into consideration, including the nemesis of the Guyanese nation, she would have discovered which administration had marginalised and alienated the people of this land, including their own supporters, and she would have discovered the sustained and all-inclusive efforts of this current administration towards empowering and educating Guyanese from all walks of life.
She would have discovered truths and realities if she had used her time in Guyana by analysing statistical data, instead of listening to rumours and complaints from persons whose agenda is to enter the corridors of power, and to access the national exchequer once more, by crawling in through the backdoor, or by sacrificing the security and peace in this nation, which comprises peoples of different cultures who can live, and who do co-exist, with love and harmony, most of the time, except when the enemies of the Guyanese people call for “slow fiah, mo’ fiah” to consume the harmony and unity of the nation in the land in the inferno of their lust for power and self-aggrandisement.
Guyanese don’t need the likes of Fay McDougal and other foreign ‘experts’, including members of the diplomatic community, to put our nationhood under a microscope, as though we are an endangered species who consume each other because we lack the greatness of soul to embrace our nationhood.
Ours is the land of the pepperpot and the cook-up, like Mr. Chow-Pow’s ‘Alinwan’ show, but these foreign interlopers would never recognise nor acknowledge this ‘alinwan’ business if it jumped up and hit them in the face, because their prejudices and bias have created a cataract of the mind that have diminished their faculties for deciphering truth from lies and facts from well-crafted fiction.
Their myopia and agenda only allow them to see the cesspool churned up by the collective Opposition cabal, and their formulations and prognosis can only follow the snakelike and venomous meanderings of degeneracy that can encourage Guyana’s young men to embark on paths that would eventuate in the loss of innocent lives, and in the loss of their own lives.
As Guyana approaches two inevitable elections (Local and General) there are dangers inherent in reports being submitted by the interlopers to their respective governments, as has happened before; which are foreseeably slanted to skew support towards the undemocratic forces, catalysing Guyana once again on a socio-economic downgrade spiral. Guyanese are warned to beware of the dangers posed by these foreign ‘experts’, who cannot remove the beam in their own eyes, but who arrogantly claim to see the mote in this nation’s vision for its future development.