-Fire Service looking to boost staff complement by 84
THE Guyana Fire Service (GFS) yesterday engaged members of the public on the importance of fire safety with an exhibition outside of its headquarters at the Stabroek Market square. The exhibition will continue today at the National Park when the target group will be school children. This is part of the 40th Fire Prevention Week observances.Fire Prevention Week is being observed under the theme, “Fire Safety, a national priority, get involved”.
Thus far for 2014, the GFS has received close to 1,200 calls, a 14 percent increase over the same period last year. Chief Fire Officer Marlon Gentle said that the present dry weather, along with the indiscriminate setting of fires, either for the burning of garbage or clearing of land, has resulted in the service receiving about six to eight calls per day in the city alone, and about 40-50 calls per day in the outlying areas.
“We need to break away from some of the traditional things that we continue to do, such as setting fire to clear land. These things damage infrastructure, obscure traffic and create environmental issues for persons living around,” Gentle explained.
These challenges notwithstanding, the GFS has noted a decrease in building fires thus far this year. Based on the statistics, there has been a two percent decrease in fires on private buildings, 12 percent decrease in government , and 30 percent in commercial type buildings. More than 50 percent of the private dwelling fires involve shacks.
However, there is a 30 percent increase in motor vehicle fires. The Fire Chief said that it is still unclear if this increase is as a result of arson/malicious damage or intentional, for insurance fraud.
The Fire Chief said that the service continues to work closely with the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) Inc. to alleviate some of the problems that result in fires on private buildings. He explained that electricity theft and unsafe electrical installation and wiring resulted in many fires.
At present, the Fire Service is focused on the construction of two new stations, one at La Grange, West Bank Demerara, and the other at Corriverton, Region 6. The contracts for these stations have already been awarded and works are about to commence at both locations.
In terms of vehicles and other firefighting equipment, the GFS currently has a fleet of over 45 vehicles countrywide. Only recently, two aircraft fire fighting vehicles were acquired, one of which will be deployed at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) and the other at Ogle Airport.
By year-end, a rapid intervention vehicle, which is a smaller type of aircraft firefighting vehicle (also for Ogle airport) and two ambulances will be added to the Fire Service’s fleet. This year, the service received an allocation of $260M for land transport alone.
The GFS is in the process of recruiting an additional 84 persons. These individuals will undergo the12-week Basic Recruit training programme at the Leonora Training Complex.
As it stands, there is some outstanding work on this facility; however, it could accommodate persons for training.
Additionally, construction on a firefighting simulator will commence shortly within the precincts of the same facility to facilitate practical training of ranks of the Service.
The Chief Fire Officer said, “We also hope to send some of the ranks for specialised training overseas. We have earmarked persons who will be proceeding to the UK shortly. They will form the nucleus of the new training unit and become instructors.”
Plans are also underway to establish a marine unit or fire boat unit. The GFS is at present collaborating with other agencies to have this type of equipment built.
The GFS, like many other public agencies, has not been spared from criticisms; however, Gentle said that statistics have indicated clearly that the service has improved significantly both in terms of response time, as well as the number of vehicles and equipment being deployed to the scene of a fire.
Of the total number of destructive fires that the country has witnessed thus far this year, approximately 60 percent of buildings have been saved.
The Fire Chief explained that the service is not only responding faster, but is also able to better perform containment operations, particularly with the investment in water tankers. He noted that with the absence of fire hydrants, the GFS has had to improvise; and while the situation is not ideal, it is an immediate solution.
The fire protection programme that was rolled out for hinterland communities is also running smoothly. Gentle said that training for the personnel at Port Kaituma, Mabaruma, Kwakwani, Mahdia and Lethem remains constant. At present, there are about 69 persons involved in the hinterland auxiliary firefighting unit.
Going forward, the GFS is looking to expand its reach to Wakenaam and Leguan. The Fire Chief said that there is need to put in place some type of volunteer auxiliary in the short- term.