Guyana Relief Council celebrates 20th Anniversary with a special luncheon
Special awardees at GRC’s annual luncheon including Prime Minister Samuel Hinds and 94-year-old Sybil Fraser (sitting)
Special awardees at GRC’s annual luncheon including Prime Minister Samuel Hinds and 94-year-old Sybil Fraser (sitting)

– GRC Chairperson Yvonne Hinds says ‘The last twenty years marked our first two decades!’

THE Guyana Relief Council (GRC) on Sunday, September 28, celebrated its 20th Anniversary with a special luncheon in the Victoria Lounge and the Oasis of the Pegasus Hotel.Under the theme ‘Celebrating the Past, Protecting the Future members’, volunteers, sponsors and specially invited guests came together to reflect on the project, to learn about or better understand what the GRC is about — and from whence it came.

Door prize winner Mrs Jennifer Lewis receiving her prize from Chairperson of GRC Mrs Yvonne Hinds
Door prize winner Mrs Jennifer Lewis receiving her prize from Chairperson of GRC Mrs Yvonne Hinds

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds led the list of special guests which included Minister of Human Services, Jennifer Webster; the Ambassadors of Mexico and Russia, the Charge d’ Affaires of the U.S. Embassy in Georgetown, the wife of the Chinese Ambassador and famous leader of the Trade Winds, Dave Martins, among others. But the evening belonged to a long list of persons awarded for their contributions to the GRC’s survival during the past two decades.

Ms. Sybil Fraser receiving appreciation plaque from Vice Chairman of GRC Mr Maurice Amres
Ms. Sybil Fraser receiving appreciation plaque from Vice Chairman of GRC Mr Maurice Amres

GRC Chairperson Yvonne Hinds noted that while 20 years is worth celebrating, in this case it was with a sense of sharing with fellow founding members, “that sense of achievement, that sense of happiness in having helped to build a national institution (almost) from scratch, into the formidable force that we have become in the last two decades.”
Noting that, “nowhere has been too far or too difficult” and that, “neither time, or distance or location” have ever hampered the GRC’s ability and will to deliver assistance to victims of emergencies, Mrs Hinds – wife of Prime Minister Hinds, also traced the development of the GRC: from its humble beginnings on Camp Street in 1994 to its securing of its own shelter and recipient of a national award for ‘Caring and Sharing’ for thousands of Guyanese across all of the nation’s ten regions.
Mrs Hinds said, “We have achieved so much in the past twenty years, not only because of our strict accountability and transparency…but because of the exemplary nature of our staff, members, volunteers, individuals and corporate sponsors who have encouraged and empowered us along the way.”
Looking ahead, Mrs Hinds said, “Our next twenty years will see us doing more and better, in keeping with the pace and standard we’ve set in the first twenty.” But, she said, that would depend greatly on how much more corporate Guyana is prepared to give, whether the Government of Guyana will increase the GRC’s subvention – and whether the GRC can replenish its ranks and refresh its

Supporters at the GRC’s annual luncheon 2014
Supporters at the GRC’s annual luncheon 2014

general body with new blood.
Noting that many Guyanese “are still of the mistaken impression that charity work, the gift of giving and the will to care resides only with senior citizens or women”, the GRC Chairperson issued “a direct appeal for new members and volunteers – especially men and young adults – to enable us to be more effective and efficient in carrying out our mandate in the years ahead.”
If Mrs Hinds was the lady of the day, the man of the moment was former Government Minister Dr Henry Jeffrey. He was the subject Minister for Social Services when it was the National Relief Council, a government department, and was instrumental in establishing the GRC as an independent entity to fend for itself.
Dr Jeffrey recalled Mrs Hinds’ initial outright rejection of his initial request that she lead the new organisation and noted just how good a job she has done leading it in the last two decades.
Delivering the feature address, Dr Jeffrey gave an interesting view of the historical background and the political and sociological context in which the GRC was born and he praised its ability to have remained above the cut and fray of the usual ethno-political divisions that have plagued the society.
According to Dr Jeffrey, “Over two decades after its registration as a non-governmental organisation, the GRC is still here fulfilling its vision of providing nondiscriminatory help to Guyanese when they are most in need.”
“Twenty-two years on,” he added, “Mrs Hinds and the GRC are still here, less dependent upon the government than ever.”
Dr Jeffrey noted that, “The fact that in 2011 the Council was awarded our national Medal of Service for the contributions it has made to our society, and particularly the poor and powerless, speaks for itself.”
He also noted that because of the way it was structured and the orientation of Mrs. Hinds and the Council, the GRC has largely been able stay clear of the normal ethno/political charges and counter charges.
The former minister maintains contact with the GRC to this day.
Following the speeches, the tables were blessed by member of GRC and local lay preacher Mrs Doris Lewis ahead of a sumptuous lunch prepared by the Pegasus Hotel.
To the drum rolls of a special group of musicians, a Special Presentation period saw special honour awards presented to 14 persons who contributed to where the GRC is today.
The list ranged from the Chairperson and her husband (Mr and Mrs Hinds for their personal contributions and sacrifices to the GRC’s cause), as well as to Dr Henry Jeffrey and 94-year-old Sybil Fraser (the GRC’s first Secretary and who was also present for the occasion). Founding and veteran members Rohini Bonar, Barbara Walrond, Doris Lewis and Bernice Mansell were also honoured.
The CEO of Macorp, Mr Jorge Medina was also honoured for his company’s reliable support over the years under review, as well as the GRC’s first Vice Chairman, Saint Lucian journalist Earl Bousquet (who came for the occasion and also chaired the luncheon ceremony), as well as Ms Diane Munro who flew in from the USA.
The special presentations were followed by a Dutch auction at which auctioneer Ron Robinson in his usual style tickled the funny bones of the audience while extracting $43,000 for a tall Chinese floor vase and $84,000 for a Kindle Fire, all of which will go to enhance GRC’s ability to better CARE and SHARE in the year ahead.
The general mood at the Pegasus two Sundays ago was one of achievement and optimism that was summed-up by GRC Chairperson Yvonne Hinds, when she noted in her address that “The last twenty years in fact marked our first two decades!”


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