STRICTER measures are in the process of being enforced at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) so that Guyana is well protected against the deadly Ebola virus, according to Chief Medical Officer Dr. Shamdeo Persaud.

On Saturday last, Dr. Persaud stated that the Ministry of Health is now encouraging pre-boarding screening at the CJIA so that passengers who have suspected symptoms of the virus, will not be able to board the aircraft.
The Ministry is in the process of obtaining two spots at the CJIA – an examination room which will be used to examine persons who are suspected of being contaminated with the virus, and a special hanger that will house an aircraft that comes in and is deemed to have persons with the virus on board. The aircraft will be quaranteed there until medical officials give the passengers proper screening so that they can be cleared.
A register has been set up at the Ogle International Airport and the CJIA to list persons who are coming with passports from Africa, so that they can keep a track of those persons to ensure they are not developing any symptoms of the virus.
He also stated that luckily for Guyana there are no direct flights from Africa to Guyana, so if someone should show symptoms of the virus, they will be dealt with before they can reach to Guyana.
Right now the Ministry is exploring the possibility of introducing scanners to detect fevers, but according to Dr. Persaud, the complicated scanners are expensive, so they are hoping to acquire a handheld version so they can scan persons who appear to have any signs of the virus.
He added that the necessary training is being given to persons at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation so that they would know how to handle a person who has been affected by the virus, and also how to properly use the necessary protective gear.
Dr. Persaud also noted that they are working closely with a liaison officer to keep track of students from the Texilla American University, which houses a number of students from Africa.
This is done so that if students show any symptoms of the virus, they will be able to take necessary actions. However, there have been no reported or suspected cases of the virus here so far.
(By Navendra Seoraj)