Addressing problems at the grassroot

THE CITIZENS of the land at grassroot level are feeling, rightly or wrongly, that their concerns have no priority at governmental structures, and it is incumbent on every senior Government functionary to embark on a dynamic thrust to re-affirm the administration’s commitment to solidifying its base support, because that is where the strength of political parties lies. If the party in Government ignores this reality, then it does so at its own peril, because grassroot support is the foundation and the backbone of the Party in Government.
It is no secret that the PPP/C, upon accession to Government, inherited a destroyed country, a demoralised citizenry, demolished credit ratings because of massive debts – internal and external, and a subterranean economy: But through Herculean efforts and prudent management of the nation’s fiscal, Guyana’s socio-economic landscape – within the relatively short time-span of approximately two decades, has been elevated to internationally-acknowledged status as a middle-class economy, poised on the brink of even greater developmental dynamics; despite the major inhibitors such as climate change that detrimentally affect this nation’s agricultural sector; external socio-economic synergies that impact small economies in negative ways; a perennially doom-threatening Opposition cabal that acts in ways inimical to national development; among others.
But while the macro factors of development are being addressed, the micro dynamics should also be addressed as an imperative to a holistic approach to development with a human face – which is the premise on which Father of the Nation, Dr. Cheddi Jagan, premised his struggles on this nation’s behalf.
So the support to even – especially, the weakest linkages in this nation’s social structure should be a vital consideration in the formulation of job and wealth-creational strategies; and it is imperative that leaders interact with them and make themselves accessible to them in their times of difficulty, because this is the only way trust and respect can be developed; with the objective of discouraging a landscape whereby the opportunists and propagators of anti-national schemes could infiltrate and instigate communities to destructive actions with their false promises and grandiose, impractical “solutions”.
The educational quotient in outreach programmes should not be minimised, because knowledge provides armour against the pathological liars who are glib with their tongues and promises, so Government needs to let the citizens know the truth – if it can help, when it can help, how it can help, what are the dynamics and the implications involved; and yes, keep the promises that are made to individuals and communities.
If Government cannot provide immediate solutions, then it is incumbent on leaders to let the citizens know, and why, so that understanding and tolerance can re-build trust in the areas where the infiltrators have weakened with their misrepresentations and lies, even in areas where Government itself has lapsed.
Providing security for our nation must be approached holistically, because security encompasses many spheres.
Crime and its related ills have been impacting our national image for too long and our security forces need a re-invigorated approach to crime-fighting, with fighting being the operative word. The scourge of illicit drug usage is accelerating, especially in the ranks of our young people, and the security forces need to develop strong community linkages so that the dealers can be identified, isolated, and prosecuted.
In many instances the desperation for the next “fix’ drives persons to commit heinous crimes, leaving many casualties, so an integrated approach by the providers of social services, the Government, the schools, the communities – in religion-driven and social exercises, and the security forces is needed for any effective leverage to prevail against this scourge.
Healthcare provision needs bolstering in ways that could restore public trust in the systems. There have been many instances where allegations have been made about lack of sympathetic medical interventions, so the Government can provide the physical facilities, but if the human and humane components are missing, then our healthcare systems cannot provide optimum service to our people.
Food security is a factor that has been addressed by the Agriculture Ministry’s aggressive “Grow More Food” campaign and The Jagdeo Initiative, as well as a dynamic approach to resolution of drainage and irrigation problems.
Former President Jagdeo dealt quite competently with the issue of the EU-driven EPA, but the external threats within the global dynamic, and this includes the anomalies of climate change and the rising fuel prices – among other issues, are threatening the quality of survival of developing nation states, and we, despite our wealth of resources, are indisputably one of the poorer of the developing nations, because we are only now emerging from the quagmire that the PNC Government left this nation in.
The sad truth is that our economic security is compromised because of the reality of divisive politics that is impeding development strategies initiated by our Government.
Government needs to circumvent this because we, as a nation, have learnt, painfully, that we cannot appeal to the conscience, nor the patriotism of those who create blueprints for disunity, mayhem, and murder in this nation of ours, so we need to strategise and circumnavigate in ways that can restore this nation to a unified force, striving together to create of this country a land of Peace, Prosperity, and Plenty.
Acceleration of development is only possible when the human element can be motivated to join forces in developmental strategies. This is the vital factor and the primary component that can drive our country into achieving the MDG’s. Government has put in train mechanisms that seek to involve all stakeholders in decision-making processes. However, Government also has to constantly contend with those who seek high office through the backdoor, and who use nefarious leverages, whatever the cost to the nation, to derail the initiatives put in place to take this nation forward.
That is why outreach programmes are imperative; because there is need to reiterate that it is only when the grassroots people are involved in the strategies formulated to initiate and accelerate developmental imperatives can this nation achieve its optimum growth potential.

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