CDB still to approve bidding document before tenders go out
TENDERS for work on the West Coast Demerara/East Bank Essequibo roadway from Vreed-en-Hoop to Hydronie have not gone out as yet, since the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Hydraulics is awaiting the approval of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB).This was according to Chief Roads and Bridges Officer of the Public Works Ministry, Ron Rahaman, who said, “We are currently awaiting the CDB’s no-objection of the bidding document.”
A total of 31 kilometers of roadway are expected to be rehabilitated, while 28.5 kilometers of foot-paths for pedestrians and 20 kilometers for cyclists will be developed under an agreement between the Government and the CBD.
Additionally, the CDB is engaged in doing a review of the massive project.
The partnership with the Caribbean Development Bank is the fourth road improvement project, with a financing cost of US$46.7M and a project life of five years. The actual road improvement works are expected to be completed within two years.
At the launch of the project in March, Minister Benn explained that the primary objective of the project is to increase efficiency and safety of road transportation along West Coast Demerara/East Bank Essequibo corridor.
Benn pointed out that infrastructural development has a multiplying effect on socio-economic advances in the country, particularly in rural communities.
“There has been significant growth,” he said, adding that constrained infrastructural development poses real challenges to growth.
Benn’s Ministry, as per the CDB agreement, will be tasked with maintenance, which was identified by the CDB as a risk to the sustainability of the completed works. The Government will also be expected to report annually on their maintenance works, particularly since the project monitoring and evaluation component of the agreement is key to ensuring standard and quality of such undertakings.
Additionally, a project management team will be supported by a steering committee and the ministry – all of whom will report to the CDB. The Project Coordinator is Kester Hinds, while the CDB focal point is Glen MaCarvell.
The project has several components including: the actual road works, road safety awareness at the level of the schools and community, capacity building, engineering services and project monitoring and evaluation.
Works on the road are expected to begin before the end of the year.
(Vanessa Narine)