The guardians of the law are blameworthy for increase in crime

When God gifted Adam and Eve with Paradise he gave them a choice that would have either enabled them to remain in the Garden of Eden, or live a life in which human frailties would impact the quality of the comprehensive landscape of their lives, and the lives of all their descendants.

They made the latter choice.
The all-powerful Lord could have merely created mankind with all the virtues, which he did, with the added dimension of allowing everyone the option to choose either the pathway to Heaven, or to follow Satan’s edicts.  This is the genesis of democracy, and the forerunner to all parliamentary configurations, which are supposed to be the bastions of human laws and the caretakers of human rights.
But how many persons can honestly, without prevarication, say that they have always upheld the principles enshrined in the edicts that have fructified from fora that have addressed the issues of human rights violations in all the many and diverse ways leading to transgression of those rights? Many persons who publicly profess to care about ethics and principles live their private lives with little integrity; especially some members of the Opposition and media moguls and practitioners, who present themselves as the guardians of all things ethical and principled in our country, but in reality cannot bear public scrutiny.
Disregarding the United Nations’ Declaration on Human Rights, here in Guyana criminal rights have attained paramountcy over human rights, and the judiciary sets free suspected killers, with minimal sums as security – not even once, but several times, so that they can terrorise, rob, rape, and kill again.  I refer here to persons such as James Gibson, found with stolen firearm and suspected of killing in the course of robbing a bank, who was set free to rob and kill again, and many others alleged to have committed similar crimes, who are given a pat on the wrists and sent out again in the society; and the spouses who batter their domestic partners repeatedly, but are yet set free, with the ultimate consequence of finally depriving their partners of their lives – and here I lay blame squarely at the feet of the guardians of the law, because theirs are the decisions that determine the fate of the innocent victims and the casualties of the demonic actions of bandits let loose on the public, and men who eventually batter their spouses to death.
Hon. Dharamkumar Seeraj, M.P., in one of his parliamentary addresses, posited: “Society comprises citizenry no less responsible for the care and welfare of the vulnerable within communities.  Lawmakers do not have eyes and ears everywhere, so the average citizen has a duty to report crimes – even if they prefer to do so anonymously; and it is also the duty of the police to immediately and thoroughly investigate those reports, and then act according to their findings, because some calls can admittedly be hoaxes or spite calls.”
He continued: “Compassion and a sense of responsibility should hallmark the actions of men and women living within communities.  Our fore parents set impeccable standards of behaviour, from which many of us have diverted so far that we have almost become deviants.
“Perpetrators are living peacefully and pursuing their daily programmes, which ironically include regular attendance and worship in the house of the Lord, whom they ask for mercy and compassion, ignoring the fact that their mercy and compassion is sorely lacking and deficit of the dictates of decent and conscientious human behaviour.”


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