– Head teachers cautioned to enforce disciplinary action against errant teachers
AS the Ministry of Education observes Education Month and has also commenced the 2014/2015 academic year, the Chief Education Officer, Mr. Olato Sam is encouraging school Heads to properly manage the attendance, punctuality and preparedness of their teaching staff.At a recent Heads of Schools meeting, the Chief Education Officer stated that the education system has shown progress. However, the concern is that this progress is still concentrated in pockets and is not as widespread as the system requires. He noted that the ministry has devised programmes and initiatives that are centred on moving the system even further, and at the core of this is what he terms the “teacher factor”.
‘In 2014, it really is an indictment of the system that we are still grappling with issues in relation to teacher attendance and punctuality. I maintain that we cannot see true progress in education if our teachers continue to arrive to work late, unprepared and abuse their annual leave concessions’ – Chief Education Officer, Mr. Olato Sam

He said teachers cannot continue to show up late for duty and in some instances neglect to show at all.
“In 2014, it really is an indictment of the system that we are still grappling with issues in relation to teacher attendance and punctuality. I maintain that we cannot see true progress in education if our teachers continue to arrive to work late, unprepared and abuse their annual leave concessions,” Sam was quoted as saying in a statement yesterday from the Education Ministry.
In his message to the meeting of Heads, he posited that the Ministry of Education has adopted a no-nonsense approach to such unprofessional conduct. He said, “the reality is that the system can no longer condone these malpractices if we are serious about progress.” Mr. Sam cautioned all Heads and Officers to follow proper procedures in relation to disciplining of teachers who breach these basic policies.
Education managers must establish a work ethic that makes attendance, punctuality and preparedness priorities in their schools. These are key pillars upon which improved output depends. Head teachers are encouraged to state openly to all of their teachers that they are now expected to demonstrate a higher level of output in these areas and devise monitoring mechanisms to ensure this is realised.
All Department Officers have been informed that where the evidence shows that heads have not taken the necessary disciplinary steps to curb these ills in the system the Ministry will take the steps to charge the errant teachers but also institute disciplinary action against the Heads and the Deputies.