Kaieteur News is the opposition’s specially trained pit bull

It does not matter what you look like, where you live, what your job is or who you support politically, once you dare to have a progressive mindset and want betterment for your family, community and country, you will be savagely attacked by the opposition’s pit bull.

That pit bull is no other than the Kaieteur News and it has been carefully nurtured by its handlers.
Let’s take for example their carefully crafted obsession with Bai Shan Lin, the Chinese logging company being currently savaged by the pit bull. It is clear that there is a specific agenda, as the voices of all other stakeholders whose views run counter to that being promoted by the newspaper are ignored. When they cannot ignore them as in the case of the Guyana Forestry Commission press conference, they look for the minutest segment of a 2-hour long session which they can use to further their misinformation campaign and ignore everything else.
This is not journalism; this is gradually descending into the Hitler brand propaganda and who else to lead this dark cause than the oppositions’ local Joseph Goebbels.
Far from being the only example, we have hundreds of citizens who have come forward to provide information on how their lives have improved since the introduction of this latest foreign investor in the timber industry.
They have been largely ignored by the pit bull, which is content on providing coverage for Royston King and his ECHO group, parading around the place picketing against the Chinese company and feigning concern for the health of our forestry sector, when it is clear that they are completely ignorant of the process which governs it to ensure harvesting is done in a sustainable manner.
Rather than picketing Bai Shan Lin, Royston King should be picketing himself, Mayor Hamilton Green and company for the state they have reduced Georgetown to but that is a completely different issue.
We now have to ask why this deliberate attempt to ignore the positive and progressive stories of so many citizens, who are not hiding behind the scenes and pulling the strings as, appears to be the case with those behind this attack on the Chinese company.
Rather, these people have left their homes and places of work in our forests and journeyed to Georgetown, so the nation will know the truth. The nation will know that their lives are improving because of this foreign investment, that employment opportunities are being expanded and the money they make, is being ploughed right back into our economy and that the demands of these small loggers are increasingly creating new economic opportunities for other citizens.
This is the continuing success story of our country, whereby hundreds of people who would have been otherwise unemployed or struggling to put food on the table are now gainfully employed in the forestry sector in a traditional opposition support base of Region 10.
We are told by them that Kwakwani is slowly becoming an economic hub once again; that the benefits are increasingly being felt in Linden etc. and this is what has apparently spooked the opposition. For when their supporters have economic independence, they are of the opinion that they will lose their monopoly on influence which enjoyed for several decades.
To counter this threat to their traditional support base, they had to let loose the pit-bull. After all, this is what it was specially bred for. Closing Bai Shan Lin, will obviously mean cutting the economic independence of these small loggers and their communities and it is the hope that these citizens will fall right back into the lap of the opposition.
So if they are successful with their campaign, the hundreds of small and medium scale loggers in Region 10 will be added to the opposition ‘collateral damage’ list.

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