IT HAS been discovered that diabetes and related diseases are responsible for most deaths in Guyana; but it is incumbent upon each person to take responsibility for his life and the quality of his life. Longevity is fine and enjoyed only if the health is not impaired.Guyana has made great strides in its health sector, and this has resulted in unprecedented numbers of persons reaching the age – and way beyond, to enjoy their pensions and other benefits provided by the state. However, obesity and related diseases are often curtailing the enjoyment of the twilight years of many senior citizens.
Recent research from Harvard University revealed that sugary beverages such as soda, sports drinks, and even 100% JUICE are responsible for up to 180,000 deaths annually.
Research has also indicated that “too many sugary drinks” are noted as the actual cause of death for 1 out of every 100 people in the U.S.
One hundred and forty-four thousand of those deaths are related to diabetes, again caused by a high intake of high-sugar beverages.
According to statistics in that country, the average American drinks 400 calories daily from sugary beverages, so if you eliminated sugary beverages from your diet, you could lose more than 40 pounds of fat this year just with this one simple dietary change.
Yes, forty pounds. All you have to do is stop drinking sugar.
Of course, instead of soda, sports drinks, juice, and other sugary beverages like sweet tea, lemonade, and fruit punch, you could just drink water, but it is improbable that anyone, especially youths, can refrain outright from drinking sugary beverages.
But the reality is that there are so many other tasty alternatives to sugar-laden beverages that there is simply no good reason to choose high-sugar beverages any longer. Here are some easy swaps:
Instead of sugary soda, try freshly-squeezed orange juice, or blended fruit and vegetable concoctions. Guyana has a variety of seasonal fruits that can be converted to delicious drinks that can be bottled and frozen – available for days out or long trips.
Instead of sports drinks like Gatorade and PowerAde, Lucozade, et al, try milk-based liquids, such as Milo and Ovaltine; or better yet, drinks made with natural cocoa sticks; and don’t knock our plentiful and easily-accessed coconut water.
Instead of lemonade or sweet tea, try 100% all-natural lemon iced tea and lemon-infused and lime or cherry mix; or sugarless passion fruit beverages: All acquired tastes, but greatly beneficial to the health.
Instead of 100% fruit juice, try eating the actual fruit, because this has the added advantage of the pulp providing both bulk to reduce hunger and fibre to aid easy passage of waste through the body.
There are many alternatives to high-sugar beverages, and it is not worth losing your life for a soda.
Modern medical technologies can lengthen your lifespan, but only you can determine the quality of your life by making healthy choices.