Are You a Smartphone Addict?

You probably hear the term “smartphone” tossed around a lot. But if you’ve ever wondered exactly what a smartphone is, well, you’re not alone. How is a smartphone different from a cell phone, and what makes it so smart?
In a nutshell, a smartphone is a device that lets you make telephone calls, but also adds in features that, in the past, you would have found only on a personal digital assistant or a computer–such as the ability to send and receive e-mail and edit office documents, for example.tech1If you take a look around any public space, a good percentage of those assembled there will likely have their heads down, buried in a smartphone. People love their smartphones. A lot! The number of smartphone “super users” is climbing rapidly, so much so that last year worldwide mobile data traffic was nearly 18 times the size of the entire Internet in 2000.
The crankier Luddites might call this a sign of the downfall of society. And maybe they’re right, but it’s a fact of today’s world that we are just plain addicted to our tech. Young and old, male and female, we need to be connected in order to get through the day. Below are some signs.

• You get slightly panicky when your phone is out of your line of sight.

• You ridiculously panicked when you accidentally leave it at home. It’s like you’re missing a limb.
• You sleep with your phone on your nightstand, or worse, IN your bed next to you.

• You justify being on your phone all the time because you “might miss a work email.”
• A cracked screen would never stand in YOUR way.

• You prune and manage your apps like it’s the Parliament building lawn.

• You maintain three to five text threads/Snapchat chains going throughout most days.

• At least once a week you freak out that you can’t find your phone, and then realize it’s in your hand.

• Turning your phone off during a flight gives you horrendous FOMO…but also makes you excited, because you know when you turn it on, you’ll have tons of notifications to go through.

• You insist that you can do two things at once — text AND walk text AND listen! — but we all know that you cannot.tech2

• You feel kind of dejected when you sneak a peek at your phone after a long dinner or meeting and you have no new notifications.

Girl’s Galaxy S4 Smartphone Burns under Her Pillow as She Sleeps
Charging our devices as we sleep feels like a harmless routine. For one young Samsung smartphone owner, however, that habit almost turned heated. Last week, a 13-year-old girl plugged her Samsung Galaxy S4 in for its nightly juice-up before hitting the sack, only to be awoken by the smell of something burning hours later. When she got up and searched around for the source of the stench, she realised that she had wedged her charging phone under her pillow. And not only was the backside of the pillow scorched, but the phone was fried into an unrecognizable slab of plastic and melted components. We have a reasonable expectation that the products we buy are going to be safe, the phone overheated, causing the battery to swell and start a fire. She was not harmed.

LG’s flexible and transparent OLED displays tech4
LG has produced a massive, 18-inch OLED display that can be rolled up into a tight cylinder with a radius of just 1.2 inches. In addition, LG has also announced an 18-inch OLED display that is highly transparent. By 2017, LG thinks it can combine both of these prototypes to create a 60-inch, UHD (4K) display that is both flexible and transparent. Is the dream of a flexible, fold-up “e-paper” display finally upon us? Is that the death knell of the printed page that I can hear tolling in the distance?


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