This silly season must stop
Vanessa Kissooon
Vanessa Kissooon

…PNC’s Vanessa Kissoon clears the air

THE following statement was issued by Vanessa Kissoon yesterday:

Again, through the media, I am advised that my party Leader, Mr. David Granger, had lifted the suspension he imposed on me on 24th June for 12 hours to allow me to participate in congress. This is no longer a suspension, this has become a detention. I take personal offence to this new development. In addition to not being told of this decision by the party, I am not a juvenile nor is the PNCR a correctional institution.
This is not the 18th century when women had to know their place and decisions were made for them without their involvement or knowledge.
The last correspondence I received on the suspension issue was from Mr. Allan Munroe on 20th July, informing about my non-submission of a statement and that his committee will proceed with hearings on 22nd July on my non-appearance. I was most surprised to learn from the media that in a press briefing last Sunday evening, my party leader said the suspension was lifted for 12 hours to enable me to attend congress. Congress was a three-day event and I was present every day.
My attendance at congress was consistent with Rule 15 of the party constitution, and under which I was accordingly accredited. It was not a concession granted. Ms. Kissoon needs no concession; Ms. Kissoon needs her rights respected, consistent with the party rules. Ms. Kissoon wants no favours or concessions. If party members follow the party constitution and govern consistent with the constitution, there will be no need to grant concessions.
While the leader seems willing to execute discipline, he must be just as willing to do it in an even-handed manner. Mr. Aubrey Norton has complained that Mr. Granger’s driver had abused one of his supporters during the congress. Mr. Granger told the media he will investigate the matter then act accordingly. I have not been given similar right and respect. As a woman of the 21st century, I am beginning to believe sexism and favouritism are at work here.
The leadership of my party is asking that members keep and settle their disagreements in-house. But the very leadership that is demanding compliance from the ordinary members is not prepared to adhere to the same directive. I continued to be kept abreast with the moving parts of my matter, from the leader, through the media. There are mechanisms in the party for members to discuss concerns and objections in-house and when these avenues are closed off, two choices are left, 1) stay silent or, 2) be heard from outside of the party.
I am a disciplined party member. By this I mean I am committed to obeying the party rules. The rules of my party protect and allow me the right to expression, due process, and involvement in anything that affects me in the organisation.
The party rules do not allow for a person to be placed on detention, the detention lifted for a period, then reinforced. Not even the 14-year old GYSM member is thus disrespected. The PNCR is a civilian organisation guided by its own rules and these rules must be used to unite and position the party as the country’s best political alternative. Every man, woman and child must feel that they will be treated equally and protected by the party. As a member of the PNCR, I continue to give and expect no less.
The reports that Linden protested against the congress is inaccurate. The placards Lindeners carried illustrated photographs and quotes of the three former leaders which resonated with us. This expression was an act of making known that the visions of our former leaders are still relevant. None of the placards was anti-party. Contrary to the views of some, the red, black and white attire and green arm bands worn by Lindeners during the three-day event were done to display the party and national flags.
Lindeners chose to use these colours to help persons to re-identify with the party colours and heroes since these are observed to be undermined in the party. No organisation can grow and develop without solid foundation. The current leaders and members of the PNCR are here because of the foundation built by previous leaders and members, and we saw it fit to acknowledge this. Linden party members are offended that in their continued fight for their rights from the government and within the party, they are being accused of being PPP redcoats.
In the meantime, Mark Archer of the PNCR/APNU Public Relations Department has taken to social media (Facebook) to demonise Lindeners and their leaders and mischaracterise events surrounding Linden, as Ronald Bulkan and Volda Lawrence have called us names. If Mark Archer, as the public relations person, is speaking for or on behalf the leadership of the party, this is unacceptable. If Bulkan and Lawrence think calling us names is okay, we’d like them to know this too is unacceptable   Lindeners will not accept this treatment. As leaders better is expected and an end should be put to the silly season.
Members of the PNCR have a party to strengthen and national elections to win. All members are equally important and as the Founder Leader Mr. Forbes Burnham said, “there is no better way to lead than by example.” This was one of the placards Lindeners carried during the congress.

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