MAREXA Ann Paul, who appeared before Magistrate Allan Wilson to answer charges of throwing a corrosive substance and using threatening language two years ago, pleaded not guilty to both charges after several trials.

Her attorney, Ms. Omeyana Hamilton had successfully requested reasonable bail for this defendant and Paul had been placed on $65,000 bail since commencement of the matter on March 15, 2012.
This case reportedly has its genesis in a triangular love affair involving the virtual complainant Ms. Shonette Burke, and in both instances when it had gone to trial, the magistrate had upheld no-case submissions and had pointed to gross inconsistencies in the virtual complainant’s account of events.
Ms. Hamilton told the Guyana Chronicle, “It seemed obvious that she (Burke) had fabricated the story when she was questioned about her report and statement to the police in relation to her testimony.”
Ms Hamilton related that the throwing of corrosive substance charge was dismissed on October 29, 2013, and the threatening language charge was dismissed on the following day.
“The matters were tried separately because the throwing of corrosive substance is an indictable offence and the threatening language is a summary offence,” she explained.
But although this case was dismissed since last year, Ms. Paul has been facing hurdles in relation to attaining a career, and has been accused of wanting to harm Burke.
(Shivanie Sugrim)