DR. NICOLE Giles, Canadian High Commissioner to the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, was yesterday initiated as an honorary member of the Rotary Club of Georgetown, the First Club of Guyana Rotary International District.
At a ceremony held at the Georgetown Club on Camp Street, Dr. Nicole Giles expressed her gratitude for the invitation to join the Rotary Club of Georgetown, and pointed out that, like the Canadian High Commission, the Rotary Club has one key objective — to make Guyana a better place.
Honorary membership is the highest distinction that a club can bestow on a person, and it should be conferred only in exceptional cases. Honorees are exempted from paying admission fees and dues; may not vote; and may not hold any office in the club. Such members do not hold classifications, but are entitled to attend all meetings, wear Rotary International insignia, and enjoy all the other privileges of the club.
No honorary member of a club is entitled to any rights or privileges in any other club, except for the right to visit other clubs without being the guest of a Rotarian. Individuals may hold honorary membership in more than one club.
(Sandy Agasen)