* …Clinton Urling sanctions vile attack against Government Minister on the social media
OLD KAI had heard long before his term was coming to an end as the President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry, that Clinton Urling was interested in making the next step into the political arena. In fact, I had heard it from someone close to him at the time.

Therefore, the emergence of the ‘Blue Caps’ came as no surprise. His idea of a political pressure group which he hopes will mushroom into a small political force sometime in the future is nothing new. Remember businessman Peter Ramsaroop had established his ‘Vision Guyana’ a few years ago. Urling’s Blue Caps is therefore piggy-backing on the idea of Ramsaroop as they have taken an identical approach.

That is not the least of Old Kai’s concern; my focus is on the need for those aspiring to be leaders not to pretend to be something that they are not. This is not to say that I am against the ambitions of Urling; but in order for him to succeed, he needs to make citizens feel that he is genuine in his concern and does not have ulterior motives.
His actions so far have not served to imbue a great deal of confidence in Old Kai, that he is what he says he is. This is exposed in the 10 points his group has put forward to the nation in which it demands that politicians put Guyana’s interest above that of their individual parties. Fair enough, but what about Urling, surely he has to also lead by example.
He is then quoted in the media as articulating another important aspect of his 10 point plan. “They also need to end this cuss-out culture. It is not healthy for our people.

And it is an obvious pattern that is developing. When one makes comments against those doctrines held by some, we see attempts from both sides to tarnish that person, and it is becoming part of the political culture.”
Nice. This is good stuff coming from Mr. Urling, the only problem being that this goodly gentleman is guilty of sanctioning a scathing attack against a Government minister on the social media recently.
The incident involved one of the Opposition ‘cuss-birds’ Ruel Johnson, who has a penchant for using foul and demeaning language on the social media to berate his targets. On June 18, I happened to come across a thread on which Johnson attacked Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport Dr. Frank Anthony, referring to him as an ‘incompetent crook…’ and who was the individual to have ‘liked’ or sanctioned the comment? It was no other than Clinton Urling of Blue Caps. I was so astonished that I had to take an image of the thread, further I had to confirm that it was indeed Urling who liked the comment.
Now here is the very Mr. Urling listing in his 10 point demand of politicians that they must ‘…end this cuss-out culture…”
You cannot be sanctioning this behaviour on one hand and then condemning it when it suits your agenda; it simply undermines one’s credibility.
Old Kai has known Frank Anthony for many years, not personally, but on a professional level, and what I do know is that he is far from that description, thus there is no need to defend him as his record speaks for itself.
This is a man who is a public figure and someone who continues to give his all to advance the interests of all Guyanese in a challenging environment; and to have individuals such as Johnson, who is the AFC’s cultural policy advisor, making such scandalous statements and attacking the Minister’s character, while Clinton Urling is sanctioning such behaviour, it speaks volumes of both their mindset and agenda.