Vanessa Kissoon now saying she’s being targeted
–Because she refused to lie to the nation
OLD Kai is not one bit surprised at the latest revelation to come out from the ongoing feud between David Granger and Vanessa Kissoon.According to the media, a group of PNC/R members and leaders in Region 10 recently accused David Granger of ‘displaying a pattern of unacceptable behaviour towards Kissoon dating back to 2012, when she refused to go to the media and publicly deny that there was an agreement between government and APNU for electricity rates to be increased.’
Now we all recall that the PPP/C Government had indicated that Mr. Granger did agree to the proposed rate increases, only for him to make an about-turn and deny that he did. Prime Minister Samuel Hinds had even read the details of the agreement in the National Assembly, yet Mr. Granger maintained his denial.
It now appears that Granger was apparently forcing Kissoon to support his contention by making a public statement that he never agreed to the increases; and Kissoon, in turn, refused to heed his urgings. Since then, they claim, she is being victimized.
An important question must be asked here: Why did Vanessa Kissoon refuse to publicly vouch for Granger? Did she know that Granger did indeed commit to the increases and, by denying it, she would be opening herself to public ridicule if the truth ever came out?
The nation deserves to know the truth, as people have lost their lives; victims were robbed and beaten; many lost their possessions; public service had been affected; buildings and other infrastructure were destroyed; the scars remain today; and it is Government which is working with Region 10 to repair the damage.
This could have all been avoided if the PNC/R = APNU leadership had been honest enough with the people and explain to them the rationale for agreeing to the increases.
Rather, they cowered when it was time to stand up and display real leadership; they attempted to hide behind others, and even wanted to utilize their own members to be the fall guys.
Vanessa Kissoon must have seen this coming, hence her reluctance to defend Granger publicly; and for that, according to her and her supporters, she has had to pay a high price.
Is this the kind of leadership expected of those aspiring to high office? There is no ‘nationalism’ or ‘unity’ in such behaviour, only ‘self preservation’ at any cost and all costs.
The people of Region 10 have also accused Granger of flouting the party’s constitution; and while they have cited examples, we have seen denials by the man keen to stress that he is LEADER in his correspondences with Kissoon, but no specifics have been provided to back up his contention. Maybe we should wait for someone to come to his defense, as apparently that is the modus operandi these days.
Old Kai contends that the party’s membership should not be surprised by the dictatorial tendencies emerging. I had warned about this behaviour quite some time ago. It is obvious that the PNC/R’s membership is beginning to feel the squeeze, which is why they are now running around hollering.