Committed to staying the course of development
–in spite of all the obstacles
THE PPP, under the leadership of the Dr. Cheddi Jagan, made a sterling contribution to those struggles, especially in the decades prior to the winning of independence. While the PPP focused on the main task of winning freedom, it had to also struggle against many forms of political opportunism and those who wanted to derail the process. It was a long and bitter struggle against reactionary forces, both at home and abroad, for political independence.
Independence, for the PPP, was a victory and a stepping stone towards the achievement of an independent, prosperous Guyana. That vision was, however, shared by the PNC/UF coalition which was in power in 1966. Though the PPP was the leading political force in the country at the time, local and foreign forces conspired to keep it out of power. The 1964 elections saw the PPP gaining more seats that all the other parties but the People’s National Congress and the United Force, joined forces to form the government.
The then government honeymooned with all sorts of reactionary forces, including the British and American governments. These two countries had a long history of interfering, at intervals, in the internal affairs of Guyana, including the removal of the PPP earlier from office though it was constitutionally elected.
The honeymoon period, however, soon came to an end. The PNC, under Forbes Burnham, dumped the UF and went on its own path of co-operative socialism. To stay in power it blatantly rigged elections and brought destruction and decay in all areas of social, economic and political life.
The struggle against the PNC dictatorship to bring back the nation on track was also long and bitter. It was a period of total violation of civil, political and human rights. It was a period of brutal suppression of the political opposition when death, imprisonment and torture of opposition politicians were the norm. It was in that period that Dr. Walter Rodney was killed. That dark period came to an end in 1992 when, the vast majority of Guyanese and the some foreign forces that initially backed the PNC, demanded free and fair elections. Even then, the PNC did not allow the PPP to rule and implement its development agenda. On a constant basis, Guyanese have witnessed repeated attempts to trample of the democratic rights of the people. Guyana has seen many traumatic events – burning, looting, using criminals in political struggles, etc, to challenge the PPP.
These historical acts of betrayal of the people, especially the working classes, which had great hopes for a bright future, had devastating effects on our people. The decidedly most lasting effect was the division created among our people.
There is a fundamental lesson here. Our history has shown that removal of the PPP, the strongest political force at the time of independence, from the political power equation, was the worst possible path after independence. The simple truth is that the losers got together and left the winner out.
Today, there are attempts to repeat history. This time, however, it’s a farce. The PNC is now masquerading as APNU with AFC, through a political compact, is a willing stooge. Another great betrayal of our people is in the making. We can see the same assembling of forces lined up against the PPP. The PPP won executive power at the last elections though it lost its parliamentary majority.
It is clear to the nation that the combined opposition is using its one-seat majority to create mayhem, confusion, and stop the steady progress being made since 1992 by the PPP/C in government. Tactics have changed, but it is the same old PNC. The focus of the opposition is to stop the PPP/C government from continuing developments and better the lives of Guyanese. They are targeting especially those transformative projects that will transform Guyana even further. For some odd reason, the political opposition believes that by punishing Guyanese and stultifying growth and development, they will be enhancing their political fortunes. The Guyanese people will see through this smoke screen.
In spite of all this, the PPP remains committed to stay the course of development, and to pursue the vision it had since independence for a united, free and developed Guyana. Since 1992, it has implemented policies aimed at improving the lives of all Guyanese. There have been tremendous strides in all walks of life. There is evidence of this everywhere.
The hopes of our Guyanese people are very much alive. The vision of a free, independent, democratic and developed Guyanese continues to guide the PPP. There is much work to be done to reach these goals. We need to continue the country’s economic circumstances, improve social services, deepen the rights and freedoms of our people, creating a better investment climate, create opportunities for job creating especially of our youths, improve management and delivering of services, fight against corruption and constantly improve the condition of the working man and woman.
The PPP is proud of its role in bringing independence and democracy to Guyana on behalf of Guyanese. It will continue to walk with the people to fulfill their dreams. Independence is the achievement of all our people. The PPP acknowledges the great contributions made by leaders past and present. And on independence, we must remember that great leader of our independence, Dr. Cheddi Jagan. On this occasion of independence the PPP extends warmest salutations
Our prospects for development are encouraging
AS Guyana nears half-a-century as an independent State, the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) is pleased to join with the Guyanese people and Government to celebrate this exciting anniversary in our history.
We need to recall, at this time, that there was near absolute consensus amongst our then leaders that we needed to shed the constitutional and governmental chains which were still wrapped around us as a post-colonial objective. We welcomed then the new status as citizens, as against former colonial subjects. The onus, therefore, was upon us to chart our own course.
Political independence was a great and significant beginning, but we had to move on to economic independence and social justice. Those objectives had to be earned and sustained.
Whatever our current politics, as a people GAWU feels certain that the attainment of Independence brought us pride. It solidified us as a nation, even as it placed heavy responsibilities on us as a people.
Since Independence, we have moved forward. There are successes in several fields nationally, and we have become more assertive in international fora. Democracy, despite the prolonged and unfortunate lapse, is now a sustained value of our reality.
Parliamentary impasses, at times puerile notwithstanding, we are clearly maturing as a nation and overcoming the negative legacy of colonialism.
The GAWU is also aware that several key objectives are yet to be attained. It is time to focus on these. One of these is our economic sovereignty, which we see as crucial to safeguard our political independence, especially in the context and circumstances that we see unfolding in the world.
The prospects for our country to strive and develop remain encouraging. We need to tackle the many and various tasks before us in a collective and united spirit.
Our people, especially our working people, still do not enjoy the prosperity and benefits that our country is quite capable of offering. This needs to be addressed in a consistent way. Our independence anniversary can serve as a springboard to take on these challenges afresh.
As we celebrate this historic anniversary, GAWU urges that we recognize our achievements. It should also be an occasion for our greater efforts to give depth and greater meaning to our cherished independence.
Happy Independence Anniversary to all Guyanese!
FITUG urges…
Give us something practical to celebrate!
THE Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) represents the bulk of the nation’s workers still fortunate to be registered with trade unions.
FITUG congratulates Guyana on attaining the 48th year of political independence, wherein post May 1966 saw a people who had just experienced divisive national trauma being determined to unite for a citizenship of statehood characterized by co-existence.
Our practical unity also witnessed democratic norms, though too many elections suffered from electoral malpractices. Nevertheless, democracy triumphed as Guyanese avoided the conflicts of separation which troubled other parts of the globe.
One political party saw us through twenty-six (26) years of Independence, the other administered for twenty-two (22) years. Whilst political commentators, scientists and scholars analyse the stewardship of these political parties, the workers assess their status and their quality of life after forty-eight (48) years.
FITUG must indict our leaders, those elected to represent our interests whilst managing our natural resources and economic life. Those citizens still living within the Republic’s borders share a sense of unfinished business. We should, and could, have been better off in a national sense. The distribution of our wealth has not been near equal.
The rich, who gained by hard, creative, risky work, must not be envied or despised; but systems and policies must be devised by government, parliament, and local governance to enable the trickling down of the wealth for those who create from the bottom.
From legislative compromise to political will, FITUG sees our salvation as being in the hands of leaders who must endeavour to abandon selfish agendas.
Give us something practical to celebrate!
We have truly come a long way
–as a ‘maturing nation state’
A PARTNERSHIP for National Unity (APNU) greets all Guyanese at home and in the Diaspora in celebrating our 48th Anniversary of National Independence on 26 May, 2014.
The majority of the Guyanese people are poor. They are aware of the damage that has been wrought on the nation under the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration for nearly 22 years. They must now contemplate the celebration of our 50th anniversary of Independence, two years from now, in May 2016.
The people must be able to look forward to a ‘good life’ under a new Government.
The majority of the elected representatives in the National Assembly continue to work assiduously to re-assert the autonomy and authority of the Legislative Branch, to enforce the accountability of the Executive Branch to the nation, and to re-affirm the integrity and independence of our institutions, especially the Judiciary.
A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) renews its pledge to work towards making Guyana a nation in which we can build a truly inclusionary democracy. We shall continue to create the conditions in which all our people are allowed to play a meaningful role in fostering national unity and forging a robust national economy.
The observance of our 48th th Anniversary of National Independence reminds us all of the work that we have to do as a maturing nation-state. We need especially to rebuild the education system for future generations, and to develop the economy in order for Guyana to progress and for its people to prosper.
We shall work towards a future that is culturally enriching, economically self-sustaining and politically inclusionary. We shall never rest from working to fulfill our promise of “A Good Life for All Guyanese.”
Happy 48th Anniversary of National Independence!
Today marks the beginning of a long journey
–the journey to self-governanve
TODAY Guyana celebrates the 48th year of the achievement of Independence and the beginning of the journey of self-governance.
Across all ten administrative regions and in the Diaspora, we will pay homage to the fortitude of those who bravely struggled to realise this dream.
The Golden Arrowhead will be raised with pride, and in remembrance of that first poignant moment when, for the first time, it unfurled over our new nation.
This year, as our symbol of Independence is hoisted, it is well for us to remember the dreams of 1966, and the vision of that young nation. Let May 26th serve to remind us of our solemn duty to ensure Guyana lives up to its promise.
Forty-eight years after achieving our independence, we find ourselves in a struggle to preserve the very foundation of that independence – our Constitution. The fundamental human rights of many of our citizens are being eroded, as reports of abuse by the police continue to increase. Our democracy is threatened, and the right of citizens to be involved in the task of managing their communities has been denied. These are things we must struggle against in our 49th year as an Independent Guyana
Long live Guyana! Long live the fortitude of the Guyanese people!
THE Progressive Youth Organization of Guyana extends best wishes to all Guyanese on the occasion of the 48th anniversary of Independence.
The PYO believes that Guyana is in a far better place today than it was back in 1966 as a result of the achievements of hard-working Guyanese who endured countless struggles to develop and modernize our great land.
For the Progressive Youth Organization, Independence was not an end in itself, but an important stage along the road to national and social liberation, which the party had set as its objectives from its inception.
We are respectful of the work done by the founders of the People’s Progressive Party Civic which led to the creation of a society of striving for equality, human rights and social justice. The PYO recalls the endless hardships faced by its members and senior PPP Comrades in the fight to achieve sovereignty and independence over the last 48 years.
Even in the post-Independence period, the people of Guyana had to wage a relentless struggle for the restoration of democracy which was brutally snatched away by several rigged elections and other infringements on human rights.
We issue a call for all youth to understand the importance of safeguarding our independence and the democratic gains made since 1992. Our young people must strengthen their resolve to become catalysts in Information Communication Technology, New Media, and the fight against Climate Change while understanding the need to continue the pursuit of a new Human Global Order.
The PYO strongly believes that the new threat to Guyana’s forward movement since attaining independence is a brutish and cruel opposition which is willing to sacrifice the bright future of our youth and people at the altar of political expediency.
This opposition which has a combined one seat majority in the National Assembly continues to hold the Executive to ransom. However, the opposition’s unconstitutional efforts will continue to be resisted and in the end will prove to be futile.
The PYO wishes to advise that just as the struggle for independence was won through patience and unity, the youth of Guyana will continue to advocate support for critical projects and initiatives that will define the future of this great land.
The PYO is refreshed by the positive sentiments in our society and the zeal of our young people and their willingness to be part of the decision making of this great land.