POLICE in C Division are hunting for two gunmen who invaded the Lucky Dollar Furniture Store at Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara just after 10:0hrs yesterday morning, held at gunpoint the cashier, staff and the few customers present, and relieved everyone of cash and other valuables.
Thereafter, one of the bandits scaled a fence to the back of the premises and made good his escape through a neighbour’s yard. The direction the other bandit took in his escape was not confirmed.
When this publication visited the furniture store after the robbery, the gates to the compound were closed, a security guard informed that the store was not doing business, and that the entity was closed for the day.
A senior company manager related to this publication that after the bandits had entered and robbed the employees, an alarm was raised, and that sent them scampering from the scene.
Investigators would confirm only that the incident had indeed taken place, and that the police are investigating the matter. Numerous efforts to contact one of the directors at Lucky Dollar for a comment on the robbery proved futile.
The gunmen reportedly made off with approximately one million dollars, according to information received.