Poor ventilation to blame for Qualfon employees discomfort

EMPLOYEES of Qualfon Call Centre and their relatives are blaming poor ventilation at the Goedverwagting, East Coast Demerara building for the discomfort suffered there on Tuesday afternoon.
The Guyana Chronicle was told that after a power outage that day, the air-conditioning units on the premises collapsed, causing the entire place to generate heat.It resulted in many of the staff logging off their work stations and venturing outside for fresh air, since there was not enough oxygen available to them.
However, before the decision was taken by many to vacate, several of them had already begun collapsing, panting for breath, and losing consciousness.
At least one dozen of them were rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPH) where they were treated for asthma-like symptoms.
But none of them had to be admitted, since, according to one health worker, all the patients needed was oxygen; and once that was administered upon their arrival at the Accident and Emergency Room, they were out of danger.
It was also learnt that at the time the casualties were taken to the institution, none of them was in a serious condition.
A health worker told this publication that when the persons went for treatment, although it was believed they were suffering from asthma, that is a condition which develops and none of them were treated for that.
Other members of the public suggested that the Qualfon employees were under some demonic spell or affected by supernatural force, a conclusion based on information that the Centre was constructed on what used to be a burial ground for the Plaisance and Ogle communities.
Yesterday, numerous efforts to contact the Minister of Labour, Dr. Nanda Gopaul and Chief Labour Officer Charles Ogle at their offices or on mobile phones were futile. Minister Gopaul was said to be in Parliament and calls to his phone went unanswered while Ogle had, reportedly, left for the day and his mobile was not answered either.


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