THE Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and Spain have identified areas of priority that will be pursued under that country’s technical cooperation agreement with the grouping.

They include information and communication technology, the development of regional micro small and medium enterprises and the strengthening of a competitive regional economy, said a release issued after the third meeting of the CARICOM-Spain Joint Commission.
The two-day caucus was held at the CARICOM Secretariat, Turkeyen, Greater Georgetown, and it discussed developing human capacity through the transfer of knowledge, as well as cooperation on sustainable development, the environment and security, which were also identified for further cooperation.
The release said those priorities were rationalised during the talks by the two sides, led by CARICOM Deputy Secretary-General, Ambassador Dr. Manorma Soeknandan, and Director of Cooperation with Latin America and the Caribbean, Rafael Garranzo Garcia, of the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation for Development.
The two parties mapped out a new cooperation programme for the next four years and agreed that it was necessary to evaluate the programmes, and projects that were done under the Second Joint Commission, so as to understand their impact.
Speaking at the opening of the meeting, Ambassador Soeknandan underscored the need for the CARICOM-Spain cooperation to be evident to Member States, noting that the areas identified were directly or indirectly linked with the priorities in the strategic plan which is being developed for the Community, particularly economic growth, security and democratic governance.
She said the Community had taken note of changes with bilateral international partners, which had stimulated CARICOM’s interest in and response to issues related to the predictability of aid and the consequences of the graduation of many CARICOM Member States from development assistance due to their attainment of middle income status.
Against this backdrop, the Deputy Secretary-General said the Community has acknowledged Spain’s representation of issues unique to Middle Income Countries (MICs).
She added that CARICOM was keenly aware of Spain’s acknowledgement of the inadequacies of the traditional criteria used in the classification of countries as MICs and welcomed its continued advocacy for a more critical examination of the current policies for their graduation from development assistance.
The Deputy Secretary-General said CARICOM also welcomed the modality of the cooperation established through the CARICOM-Spain Joint Fund which started with US$1.4M for jointly approved projects and had been sustained with additional funding for bolstering areas of critical importance to regional development.
Additionally, Garcia said Spain had taken note of the deepening of CARICOM-Spain relations since the First Meeting of the Joint Commission in 2002.
He said that an agreement on the implementation of areas of cooperation was of critical importance to Spain as it was “really willing” to demonstrate “the political will” to implement the scope of the CARICOM-Spain cooperation agreement.
Discussions between CARICOM and Spain were advanced within the framework of the scientific and technical cooperation agreement signed between the Kingdom of Spain and CARICOM Member States in 1999. An addendum to that agreement establishing the Spain-CARICOM Joint Fund was signed in 2011.
Included in the new areas of cooperation advanced on Monday were cooperation on sustainable development, the environment and security.
Collaboration to support stabilisation and development in Haiti, as well as matters related to the Post-2015 Development Agenda — which Spain is committed to participating in and developing – were also endorsed.
During the talks, the CARICOM delegation raised the matter of progress on Community reform, focusing on the development of the five-year Strategic Plan for the Community that is to be presented to Heads of Government of CARICOM at their meeting in July.
The release said the Spanish delegation underlined that Spain has been firmly committed to the sustainable development of the Caribbean Community with which it signed its first Regional Cooperation Programme in the Region celebrating its 15th anniversary this year.
Despite the severe economic challenges, Spain is among the top 10 donors to CARICOM and a strong advocate of aid to the Caribbean Basin, contributing to making the European Union (EU) the Region’s largest donor.
The III Spain-CARICOM Joint Commission reveals the provision of additional funding by Spain for cooperation programmes with CARICOM with the aim of contributing to the strengthening of the strategic regional role and international position of CARICOM, to the regional integration process and to the strengthening of the institutions of CARICOM Member States.
The First Joint Commission Meeting was held in Madrid, Spain, in 2002, while the Second was held in Kingston, Jamaica, in 2006.