Old Kai: Chronicles of Guyana…

Granger’s words have come back to haunt him
– in APNU’s ‘jook fuh jook’ foreign policy

OLD Kai had warned the former PNC implant into the GDF, David Granger that his words may come back to haunt him. When the mask of the PNC = APNU is forced to have Joseph Harmon (the man who makes sandpaper seem smooth) to articulate their foreign policy, you know they are in serious trouble. I would not be surprised if it was he who advised Granger to make the now infamous ‘jook fuh jook’ remark in describing what they understand of the word ‘diplomacy.’

He is quoted in the media as asking rhetorically: “How can our support (for the LEAD project) infringe national security and be against sovereignty?” Well if being crafted and awarded in the U.S. without the input of the Guyana government and then despite its rejection, the U.S. Ambassador attempts to still implement the project and APNU does not recognise this as an act of disregarding our sovereignty while all the time egging on the US, only serves to confirm the obvious.

Can anyone still believe a word coming out from the mouth of David Granger or his minions in APNU after this damning exposure of deception and hypocrisy?

Even our primary school students are capable of behaving more mature than the current political Opposition and it speaks directly to a leadership crisis. No one will buy their dramatic behaviour. In fact, since the PPP/C Government has been successful in having this project halted, the APNU’s stature has further dwindled before the public, as they were ready and eager for the implementation of the project despite the obvious concerns and now even the U.S. Government has recognised those concerns and quite rightly have put the project on hold for a review.

APNU and AFC were so willing to sell out the integrity of our nation in return for financial favours from the LEAD project; one simply cannot get lower than that. That is another example of the ‘Judas’ mentality they have become synonymous with. These people do not care about our country, they are not concerned about the average Guyanese and his/her plight, they are concerned about keeping their positions in tact and fighting desperately for political power so they can simply have the ability to implement their ‘jook fuh jook’ policy. They will use anyone to hold on to their support base and just as someone drowning, they will clutch at anything to keep them afloat. Hence, don’t be surprised that they will soon begin another scheme which brings up the ‘race card’ politics again. It is the only way they know of keeping their supporters in check.

However, by now APNU and AFC supporters would know that their leadership had no care for them and how they will be affected when they voted to cut the budget for three successive years, when they tried to force GPL to increase electricity rates on consumers by 22% by cutting their subvention provided by the Government, when they refused to support the Amalia Hydro project which would bring cheaper and reliable electricity to Guyanese, when they cut funding for Amerindian Development and said Amerindians were not capable of making responsible decisions for their future, when they told workers who were being laid off as a result of their budget cuts that they were simply ‘collateral damage’, when they refused to support the Specialty Hospital which would make complex surgeries possible in Guyana, when they have consistently refused to support the Anti-Money Laundering bill and pushes Guyana closer to being blacklisted, and the list goes on. The devious machinations by the Opposition know no bounds and it is our people who ultimately have to suffer because of their actions.

I conclude by quoting David Granger only a few months ago in reference to the very U.S. Ambassador, Mr. Brent Hardt whom he now speaks so glowing of and whom he and his party are still contending is not interested in pursuing any imperialist policy through their LEAD project: “He is a diplomat, represents a state (U.S.), and I can understand that it is in his interest to advance the business of that state he represents…”

Can anyone still believe a word coming out from the mouth of David Granger or his minions in APNU after this damning exposure of deception and hypocrisy?

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