FINANCE Minister Dr Ashni Singh yesterday expressed his “profound sense of loss” at the passing of close friend and colleague, Mr Lawrence Theodore Williams, Governor of the Bank of Guyana.
The following is the full text of a touching statement he issued shortly after learning that Williams had finally lost the battle with cancer yesterday after a prolonged illness:
“It is with great sadness that I have come to learn of the passing of my dear friend and colleague of many years standing, Lawrence Williams, Governor of the Bank of Guyana. I offer my personal, sincere condolences to his immediate family and many friends.
“Lawrence and I have shared a long professional and personal association, dating back to well before he was appointed Governor, and I, Minister. His elevation through the Bank and my own appointment as Minister provided us with additional opportunities to collaborate.?
“Lawrence was a man defined by his quiet competence, his attention to detail, his thoroughness, his ability to remain calm under pressure, his quiet wit, his sharp intelligence, and his impeccable demeanour. He was a gentleman and an astute professional. Over the years we developed a strong personal friendship and I came to value his wise counsel and ?level headed advice.
“Only last night (Tuesday night) I visited and spent time with him in the hospital, and was inspired by his remarkable courage, even in the ?most difficult of circumstances as he fought this battle of all battles.
“I told him our country needed him to continue the excellent work he was doing, and that we could not afford to lose him. Little did I know at that time that it would be the last time I would see him alive.
“Words cannot describe the profound sense of loss I personally feel, and moreso the loss to the Bank of Guyana, and to our country more generally on the passing of this outstanding professional and fine gentleman.”