THE performance of Local Government authorities as it relates to rate collection will be part of a three-element criterion that will determine their total subvention for 2014 and onward, Minister of Local Government and Regional Development Norman Whittaker highlighted at a recent press conference.

Up to 2013, the 65 Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs) were allotted $195M to be equally divided among them as a subvention grant. Meanwhile, the six municipalities combined were in receipt of subventions totalling $465M; Anna Regina, receiving $9M, New Amsterdam, $10M, Rose Hall $8M, Corriverton $8M, Linden $10M, and Georgetown $20M.
The National Assembly has approved increased subventions for the Neighbourhood Democratic Councils.
Minister Whittaker explained that the total sum shall be distributed differently as of this year, with 50 percent of the total being equally divided among the local authorities and the remaining being divided based on applying a formula that comprises the area of local authority, the population and the percent collection of rate for the preceding year.
As Minister Whittaker explained it, the new distribution is part of the Fiscal Transfers Bill 2012, which was passed by the National Assembly.
The Bill’s ultimate aim is to make the local authorities as autonomous as possible including: their ability to sustain themselves, the formulation and implementation of objective criteria for the purpose of allocation of resources to, and the governing of resources by, local democratic organs.
Each year government provides the local authorities with a grant to help meet the provision of service to the residents under their boundaries.