Old Kai: Chronicles of Guyana…The ‘independent media’ now in cahoots with the Opposition
‘GROSS DISRESPECT’: Boasting that their party ‘run things’, a handful of supporters of the main Opposition APNU this week exhibited a callous disregard and gross disrespect to the sensibilities of thousands of Guyanese who are left on the breadline as a result of their party’s draconian cuts to key sectors in the 2014 budget. In fact, so obnoxious were their behaviour outside Public Buildings, that they seem to be drunk with arrogance as they revelled at the Opposition-led cuts, at the expense of the suffering of ordinary, hardworking Guyanese.
‘GROSS DISRESPECT’: Boasting that their party ‘run things’, a handful of supporters of the main Opposition APNU this week exhibited a callous disregard and gross disrespect to the sensibilities of thousands of Guyanese who are left on the breadline as a result of their party’s draconian cuts to key sectors in the 2014 budget. In fact, so obnoxious were their behaviour outside Public Buildings, that they seem to be drunk with arrogance as they revelled at the Opposition-led cuts, at the expense of the suffering of ordinary, hardworking Guyanese.

OLD Kai has witnessed the torrent of racist and other derogatory abuse Amerindian picketers outside the National Assembly were forced to endure at the hands of a small bunch of APNU-directed thugs. They were clearly informed not to come with their APNU identification badges and clothing, as is usually the case.DSC_0034The familiar faces from Congress Place were the ones marshalling the troops, and it makes one wonder if this deliberate attempt to disrobe from their APNU garments came with another order, which was to launch a nasty, vicious, racist attack against the Amerindians, to unsettle, intimidate and hopefully chase them away from outside the Public Buildings.
In any case, this is their normal modus operandi. David Granger was obviously caught in a tight spot, as he could not distance himself from the APNU members and, sadly, he refused to apologise for their behaviour towards the Amerindians. But what is even more despicable is his attempt to befuddle Guyanese by saying that “APNU did not organise a formal protest.”
Even a blind man would know there was no formal protest, but rather the usual rag-tag bunch of misfits commissioned by the PNC, now APNU, to intimidate and scare off detractors.
One would expect that this sort of behaviour would be condemned by all, but that’s where you’re wrong. The Kaieteur News, or ‘the once-upon-a-time newspaper’ as I prefer to refer to it, actually joined APNU in the racist attacks against Amerindians. One just has to read the ‘Dem boys seh’ column of Wednesday, April 16, 2014.
Racist attacks cannot be passed off as satire; using what is recognised as a derogatory and racist description towards Amerindians, and poking fun at them is the most heinous one can possibly get. To think that this is coming from a national newspaper is even more chilling. It is the equivalent of using the ‘N’ word to describe Africans; but, of course, they’re sensitive enough to have never used that, but in their books, it is par for the course to disrespect Amerindians.

QUOTE: What is even more despicable is Granger’s attempt to befuddle Guyanese by saying that “APNU did not organise a formal protest.” Even a blind man would know there was no formal protest, but rather the usual rag-tag bunch of misfits commissioned by the PNC, now APNU, to intimidate and scare off detractors.

The Kaieteur News, in the past, has attacked and belittled females; people of different sexual orientation; and even called an official a ‘prostitute’.
And they keep on publishing. When will it ever end? One of the Amerindian groupings needs to take legal action against this newspaper. Of course, they will cry ‘attack on press freedom’, and blame the Government to distract attention from their atrocity. But the entire nation has a duty to ensure that this media house, which the public is exposed to, and which plays a part in shaping the views of society, is brought to account.
‘Dem boys seh’ has no place in a civilised society! If you want to be a racist and a pervert, go write the newsletter for the KKK or some related degenerate grouping! While doing so, they can take that APNU gang that was out there making similar remarks, and those in their leadership who condone such behaviour!
We should not be surprised, as even an Amerindian APNU leader from Region 9 stood up during the last budget debate in an effort to justify their cuts in 2013, and referred to the area as ‘backward’.
Is this the kind of national unity David Granger never misses an opportunity to regale us with? One thing is for sure: Those Amerindians do not want to see the faces of the Opposition in their communities anymore. In listening to the interviews of some, I felt the pain in their voice and the sense of shock. They never believed the APNU and AFC were capable of such cruelty, after all; they would enter their villages like angels and promise to fix everything.
But now, here is David Granger and company saying: “You do not know what’s best for yourself and community; we (the Party under which you suffered for 28 years, by which time you were on the verge of extinction) know what’s best for you! Funding for projects which will continue your economic development are not necessary; they are merely ‘toys and trinkets’! We know a lot about economics, and have a proven track record! So, trust us!
“Forget about the 2000 youths who will go on the breadline! Forget about teaching you and your children ICT; there is no need for you to receive a laptop! Learning to use the World Wide Web is not human initiative! What possible benefits can that lead to! Never mind I promised to make the entire Georgetown a Wi-Fi zone were I to be elected President at the last elections!”
It appears that the joint Opposition is uncomfortable with Amerindians playing a more significant role in public life; no wonder the APNU hooligans were keen to warn the indigenous brothers and sisters outside of Parliament to go back into the ‘bush’; we run things in ‘GT’. What this shows is that these people are not ready for national unity; they are not ready to look out for anyone else except their narrow, selfish interests.
In closing, I recall the comments of the young female Amerindian leader: “We cannot stop them (Opposition) from coming into our communities, but know that you are not welcome…”

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