Old Kai: Chronicles of Guyana… : Same ol’ PNC dictatorship under Granger as APNU is exposed : – for trying to silence the voice of Amerindian picketers

OLD Kai stands in solidarity with my Amerindian brothers and sisters who have taken the initiative and remained resolute in letting their voices be heard outside the National Assembly. The AFC/APNU alliance has adopted a stone-hearted approach to the cries of Amerindians, including the mothers out there, casually dismissing their concerns when questioned by the media.

The remarks by Leader of the Opposition David Granger in the ‘once-upon-a-time newspaper’ sums up the contradictory position adopted by the Opposition in denying Amerindians funding for their developmental plans. “We do not feel it is a justifiable use of the money, and we voted against it because we feel it must be accountable,” he said.
The first part of his statement indicates they do not feel the targets of these projects justify the use of the money, but then he goes on to state that they voted against funding because there must be accountability. So, on the one hand, the excuse is the impact of the project, or lack thereof, but they did not cut funding because of that; rather, it was out of concern for accountability.
He provides no specific areas of concern, other than the bland statement that the projects can be used by the Government for political purposes. Earth to Granger, we can use that excuse on practically any project funded by the Government, but, where is the evidence to justify your actions?
It is important to note that the Legislature or National Assembly plays a crucial role in matters of accountability; in fact, a member of the Opposition is always the permanent Chairperson of the Public Accounts Committee, which looks into all aspects of Government expenditure. It was the PPP/C Government, when they had a parliamentary majority, which established this committee as an oversight body.
The Opposition can also request specific details of projects; ask questions of ministers under which they fall; or call before them, at the PAC level, those who implement projects of concern to question them about specifics. But alas! The AFC/APNU wants Guyanese to forget they have this avenue to focus on issues of accountability so they can deny the projects all together. This is what Granger intends when he promises ‘a good life for all’.
You cannot ‘shoot first and ask questions later’; there must be some proof to justify denying development to such a critical segment of our population! Sadly, none has been provided by the one-seat dictatorship in the National Assembly.
Imagine! This is after no less a person than Granger himself, during his budget presentation, highlighted the urgency of providing assistance to hinterland communities, as they are the poorest in our country!
Now here it is they are denying those development projects to these very communities; projects which would create employment; projects which would provide economic opportunities for villages, and improve their standard of living.
We are now informed that the Opposition has since moved to deny Amerindians the construction of Internet hubs in their villages under the PPP/C Government’s ICT project, and also slashed funding for the One Laptop Per Family initiative, which also directly benefits Amerindian families.
This project, under Office of the President, is aimed at empowering families; providing other means of opportunities to prepare Amerindians to use ICT to develop their economic and entrepreneurial ventures, as outlined under the Amerindian Development Fund. Now, both initiatives have been denied to our Amerindians, compliments of the Opposition.
Let us be reminded that it was the same ol’ Granger who, in his Budget speech, stated that “Hinterland…poverty is pervasive…and educational standards are lower than the rest of the country….the problem, of course is that this Budget simply does not furnish the funds to confront the most serious challenges facing families. These are the unavailability of jobs for young school-leavers everywhere…”
How can this nation ever trust a leader who makes such a commitment and then readily abandons it a few days later? To crown it all off, the disdain that the Opposition has for Amerindians was very much in evidence when they let loose their ‘usual suspects’ from Congress Place to intimidate and abuse the Amerindian picketers on Tuesday. This wicked agenda by the Opposition failed. But what was most interesting is the comment offered by David Granger in Stabroek News when questioned if the unruly elements were organised by APNU. We are told by the newspaper that the ‘protestors berated the government and Amerindians…”
Granger, in response, is quoted as saying: “APNU did not organise a formal protest yesterday.” All Guyana know it was not a ‘formal protest’, as it was the usual rag-tag bunch they get to be their enforcers. The last time they were deployed by APNU was when the PYO youths picketed outside the National Assembly over the Amaila hydro-project. They had also failed to intimidate those youths then.
What this shows is the low level of tolerance the Opposition has for dissenting views against them or their policies, and the fact that they are still willing to use intimidatory tactics to silence Guyanese; in this case, our Amerindian peoples.
The AFC, for all their initial hype that they will usher in a change in politics, has sided with the APNU in encouraging this type of intimidation and stilling of critical voices and, of course, their crucial support in denying Amerindians the resources to accelerate their development.
Where are the Amerindian leaders in the Opposition when the APNU is using its thugs to harass and intimidate their fellow Amerindians who are simply practising their democratic rights by airing their concerns through lawful picketing action? Is attacking Amerindians the way in which Granger intends to show how serious he is about A Partnership for National Unity?
Old Kai is not surprised, as it is the Same Ol’ PNC-APNU, Same Ol’ Granger.

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