TWELVE wheelchairs were yesterday donated to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) by a New York-based Guyanese family.The presentation of the wheelchairs was done by Jacqueline Yhap in memory of her late brother Lennox Roy Lyken. Ms. Yhap noted that the presentation was made possible by contributions in New York in honour of her brother, including funds raised through a take-away lunch.
“At this time we the family wish to thank those persons in New York who made this presentation a reality with their loving support, which proceeds allowed us to be able to make this contribution,” she declared.
Noting that her brother’s favourite phrases were “love ya life”, “eat something or drink something nah” and “come again and bring a friend”, Jacqueline Yhap expressed her delight in making such a contribution to a worthy cause.
“It is our hope that this donation will be fully utilised by this organisation in its effort in providing the patients with these chairs,” she said.
Receiving the wheelchairs on behalf of the hospital was Assistant Director of Nursing Services, Mr. Owen John who expressed his appreciation for the much needed wheelchairs. Mr. John acknowledged the efforts of the Yhap and Lyken families and assured them that the wheelchairs will be put to good use as they are greatly needed at present.
Only recently two ambulances were donated to the GPHC through the Ministry of Health to boost the medical services provided at the hospital.
By Ravin Singh
12 wheelchairs donated to GPHC by New York-based Guyanese family