‘C’ DIVISION police on Friday apprehended Keron Cummings, a known character, after he attempted to rob a Sophia woman at gunpoint in “C” Field Sophia.
A police source has since confirmed that Cummings is no stranger to the police, having been charged on several occasions for robbery-under-arms and other offences. However, it could not be ascertained whether he had ever been convicted on any of the charges he has faced.
The police shot Cummings to the left shoulder and rib area when they were in the area as he attempted to rob the woman. They said they had been tipped off about a suspicious man lurking in the area, and they decided to go to the area in an unmarked area, thus they observed the man.
As he pointed the gun at his intended victim, police reprimanded him, but he immediately opened fire in the direction of the ranks, causing the cops to return fire. Somewhere in the exchange of fire and his actual capture, Cummings was shot.
He was also pulled from a trench in which he had reportedly sought refuge. Approached by the police, the known character threw away his firearm, but police eventually retrieved it.
The man is said to be a menace in the Sophia community, and would usually rob persons of whatever valuables they have whenever opportunity presents itself, usually as they traverse the village early in the mornings or late at nights.
He is said to be a “field roamer”, moving between the various fields, robbing persons. He also reportedly had a confrontation with a woman only last week, as she refused to permit him to enter her yard to drink water from the pipe.
Cummings is presently a patient at the Georgetown Public Hospital, nursing gunshot wounds he sustained in that encounter and is under police guard.
(By Leroy Smith)