THE POLITICAL landscape in Guyana is taking on a new shape in rather unconventional terms – not to say surprisingly foolhardy.This is one aspect that crossed my mind as a Guyanese national in the diaspora as I tried to make sense of the recent public statement by “Civil Society and Western Missions”. It was another call for local government elections carried in another section of the media.
I admired the list of selected 10 civil society organisations drawn from private enterprise, manufacturing and services, trade unions, the Bar Association and of course Transparency International. No doubt they constitute an interesting cross section of Guyanese interest groups that will legitimately be concerned about encouraging all political parties of their country, through civic mindedness to improve local democratic governance and act expeditiously for the long overdue polls, stymied by recalcitrant and obstructionist stances by all the political parties.
However, some who are somewhat removed from the cut and thrust of the local scene might share my perplexity and dismay as to the basis and rationale on which legitimate Guyanese civil society organisations had to be ”joined” by “western (diplomatic) missions” in an apparently fashionable mood of “alliances” or “partnerships”, to urge that local government elections be held.
And not just “held” but by when, and thus providing an ultimatum with a set date of August 1, 2014!
Western Missions issuing an ultimatum on a political issue is absurd and totally unacceptable. Guyanese can do so. Surprise! Surprise! Some may cynically question whether this a humourous case of the “Emperors in new clothes” of neo-colonialism?
Perhaps it was a paternalistic gesture to give weight to the anxiety and burning desire of “Western Missions” to ensure that Guyana’s citizens “benefit from strong and effective local governance.” Our history carries a mixed record of benefits derived and whose interests were best served by “Western Missions” in the periods of during colonial rule to protect us from “communism” as well into the post-independence phase and even now to hold our hands for “local democratic governance.” What a life!
ABC Group
Most readers will be familiar with what is traditionally known as the “ABC Group”, or the Diplomatic Missions of America, Britain and Canada. I prefer to stay away from the categorisation of a so-called “Gang of Three”. No need for such political labelling. What is quite surprising is that the ABC representatives were allowed to join, if not actually initiate the idea to be allied with some 10 Guyanese CSOs in a media release to publicly call for “2014 as the year of local government elections”. It is indeed an appealing slogan but it smacks of neo-colonialism at work.
Additionally, coming from “Western Missions” it is nothing short of meddling in the political affairs of the nation in which they are hosts and governed by the established “Convention on Privileges and Immunities”. In Guyanese language it is real “eye-pass” by the “ABC representatives”. They are more so insensitive when taken in the context of the strong trade and investment ties, as well as sources of “aid” that are at the heart of relations with Guyana. Do they thereby feel so entitled to meddle as they see fit?
Recourse to the public media to state the facts of a situation affecting a diplomatic mission is not only normal but also strongly encouraged and expected. But all diplomatic missions would know that there exist separate and well-recognised channels through what is sometimes referred to as political dialogue between friendly nations.
In the current circumstances, it is indeed unfortunate that the ‘ABC’ officials must be reminded of the most elementary norm of diplomacy to which all who subscribe to the right of self-determination and sovereignty of nations should adhere—namely, “non-interference in the internal affairs of nations”.
The “media” diplomacy of the “Western Missions” with the call for “2014 as the year of local government elections” was, therefore, all the more regrettable and contemptuous given the fact that it was precisely the IDENTICAL demand of a parliamentary opposition party for its support to be provided to the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering of Terrorism legislation to ensure passage by Parliament.
The prevailing acrimony and acute polarisation that have become entrenched as a sad feature of the Guyana’s political landscape can hardly be healed, much less move to a desired level of accountable governance, if representatives of “Western Missions” degrade themselves by foolhardy diplomatic practices. Encouragingly, the other resident representatives of the diplomatic community have wisely stayed away from becoming involved in this kind of partisan politicking by the ‘ABC Group’, adhering instead to the cherished principle of “non-interference.”
By Phil Pascal—(Overseas-based contributor)