–from the dictatorship within
OLD Kai was never a fan of Vanessa Kissoon, especially after she first publicly exposed her severe limitations with her “backyard cuss-out” mentality during the 2012 budget debate.
We are also well aware of her complicity in the destruction of Linden, as she was one of the “agitators-in-chief” for the violence which followed. Then there is the simple matter of her being exposed for misleading the Linden Commission of Inquiry.But even Kissoon does not deserve the shabby treatment dished out to her recently by APNU leader, David Granger, and his minions. Truth be told, another APNU victim, Aubrey Norton, did warn us about the little all-powerful cabal developing an insatiable thirst for power, and which is willing–and has the means,–to annihilate any semblance of opposition to their quest for total domination.
Sounds like textbook stuff from during the Burnham years, therefore I am sure the late dictator would be proud to see his prodigy, Mr. Granger, now following in his footsteps.
Old Kai had always expected this; after all, Vanessa Kissoon and Sharma Solomon had forced Granger to “publicly lie and then be humiliated in the process after he was exposed”. It was Granger who agreed to the increase in electricity tariffs in Linden, but when Kissoon and Solomon challenged him by courting the AFC opportunists, the APNU leader chose the cowardly way out by not “manning up” and outlining his position during the meeting with Government officials. Rather, he denied ever making such an agreement, even in the face of Prime Minister Samuel Hinds holding up the document for all to see in the National Assembly.
Granger’s credibility would forever remain damaged, as, when a politician cannot be trusted, especially by his own constituents, know that you are in serious trouble! In hindsight, we can now see the bigger picture, as it was a well-thought-out plan by these two and Aubrey Norton and company who have publicly stated their support and campaigned for Carl Greenidge to lead the PNC/APNU. The Linden electricity issue simply presented the ideal opportunity, and the people of Linden were their pawns to be expertly used.
They had hoped this would be enough to topple Granger, thereby clearing the path for Greenidge. Clearly, they did not cater for the authoritarian mentality of Granger and his close associates. The APNU “Supreme Leader” has waited patiently for the right moment to strike, and the resignation of Deborah Backer was an ideal opportunity.
We are told that Vanessa Kissoon was given no prior notice that with the swearing in of Mrs. Cummings to replace Backer, she (Kissoon) would be banished from her current seating arrangement to the back benches of the House. Clearly, she was shocked and embarrassed to turn up at the last sitting to find out this reality when she was about to take her seat. That is the silent but deadly power of the dictatorship.
Solomon could offer no assistance to her, as he was also in his own predicament after the dismal failure of his most recent “shut down Linden” campaign. Aubrey Norton, despite being most qualified to replace Mrs. Backer (owing to the millions upon millions of dollars this nation, bankrupt at the time under the direction of the past dictatorship, spent to educate him in the United Kingdom), was never going to feature as an MP under Granger. This would be like empowering your enemy; and if you know anything about how dictatorships operate, this is a grave abomination in the exercise of their unquestionable power.
If this is not enough to cause some serious panic within the PNC/APNU camp among members, particularly those who might not be so endearing to Granger, then his explanation of Kissoon’s demotion underlines the rapidly growing monster of dictatorship we are dealing with.
When questioned, he brushed off Kissoon’s demotion as simply an “administrative move.” Incidentally, that was also Burnham’s explanation for banishing persons under his scope perceived to be threats, or who failed to effectively execute his orders and they were never heard from again.
APNU’s Chief Whip, Amna Ally, (the woman who publicly swore she did not see supporters pushing down police barricades on Nomination Day at City Hall, even though she was leading the crowd and a video taken of the episode contradicted her contentions), we are told, asked: “Why such a big deal is being made of Kissoon’s relocation?”
According to the media, Ally said “the coalition had to make some adjustments, since a new MP had been sworn in.”
Ok! Fair enough! But why is it APNU announced publicly days before that Ronald Bulkan would be moved up to the front bench, and Kissoon only knew her fate, the day she turned up for Parliament?
By announcing the Bulkan move, the APNU leadership cabal confirmed that they already had this plan in place to demote Kissoon, but apparently that was not enough; they also wanted to publicly embarrass her as she and company had done to Granger with the Linden fiasco.
The letter to the editor by the former National Secretary of the GYSM (the PNC youth movement), Bevon Currie, also served to confirm this reality, and he called for “an unqualified apology from the Chief Whip” (Ally) for executing orders from Robert Corbin… Sorry, David Granger. The real leader of APNU please stand up!
It is just a matter of time before the APNU dictatorship strikes again; it’s anyone’s guess as to who in their leadership will be its next victim.
Old Kai: Chronicles of Guyana…APNU members now beginning to feel the bite