Old Kai: Chronicles of Guyana…As pressure takes its toll, APNU leaders are forced to publicly admit their incompetence

– Word is that Cupid will not be going anyway near Congress Place as he tries to avoid all their internal bad blood on Valentine’s day
OLD Kai almost froze recently when he was informed that the main Opposition had finally cracked from all the pressure of its political missteps, more so of recent vintage. With all their lies being exposed, it appears that they have been left with no option but to try out something called the ‘truth’. This however, turned out to be a short-term experimentation as after their admission of incompetence, they went straight back to their nefarious ways.It appears the pressure Old Kai has been exerting on ‘Dem Boys’ over at Kaieteur to be truthful and to stop taking orders from Granger is partly paying off, but we will have to wait and see if like APNU, it will be a short term experimentation over there.

Nevertheless, the mouthpiece of the Opposition is telling the nation that “many supporters of the political faction (APNU) are of the view that some (APNU) Shadow Ministers are not serving their purpose (incompetent) while others are purely relying on the strength of others (hopeless).”

No doubt mediocrity will breed crass behaviour as is also being confirmed by the ‘Once Upon a time’ paper, “It is the opinion of some political activists that some of the (incompetent) Shadow Ministers interfere too much in the work of their colleagues (who are hopeless)…” This infighting was always expected, what else you would expect when they appointed a ‘professional protestor’ as a Member of Parliament or someone such as Vanessa Kissoon who was reportedly caught lying before a public commission of inquiry and made no apology about it. What Granger and the PNC sowed in 2011 is what APNU is reaping today!

On another note, if they cannot maintain respect and understanding among themselves, how can Granger then go with a straight face to the media and preach about a ‘social contract’ and all the glorious wonders of his ‘Partnership for National Unity’? It looks like a Wild West operation over in the land of APNU but then again, it is not like this would come as a surprise to the average Guyanese. Many Guyanese no doubt are now hitting their heads against the wall, questioning themselves as to why they had to go and put their X next to that APNU ‘hand’ on Election Day. Never in their wildest dreams did they imagine that the APNU hand will put a ‘hard slap’ across their faces.

The situation is so tense that even Cupid staying very far from Congress Place or Granger on Valentine’s Day. Cupid was overheard saying that Granger’s green shirt and his eternal sneer reminded him of the Grinch. He said he is not going over to shoot ‘love arrows’ at anyone as they seem immune based on the way they have been acting in Parliament, especially Greenidge whose mouth you always hear before you see him.

Remember, these are also the same people who would have the Guyanese population believe that they are genuinely ready in the event a National Elections is called or for that matter Local Government Elections. This is not intended to get anyone comfortable or overconfident as I will bet my last dollar that whenever we have another election, the PNC which is APNU will begin to stir up their support base with their usual race hate messages both covert and overt; hoping their supporters will forget their incompetence and vote for them purely on the basis of playing on their misplaced ethnic fears which has been bred into them by the Opposition.

However, the APNU/AFC combined one seat majority in the National Assembly has served to show all Guyanese how uncaring they really are, even to their own supporters. We will never forget when the people went and begged the Opposition to save their jobs and not cut funding for their agencies and in return the Opposition had the temerity to tell those poor people that they were just ‘collateral damage’. The victims have said that they are patiently awaiting the Opposition to come to them during election time and on voting day, they will show them who really will be affected by ‘collateral damage’.

In all of this, imagine these people are still trying to make excuses and shift the blame for their inadequacies. The token Vice Presidential Candidate of the APNU, Dr. Rupert Roopnarine from the WPA (which did not even have the capacity to contest the 2006 elections) is quoted as saying, “We don’t have in the Opposition the capacity to deal with some of these issues and we have to get a system that can allocate resources.”

You want what: Resources? Taxpayers are already giving each one of them a duty free ‘fancy’ vehicle, a salary; other perks every month while they waste time in our National Assembly and engage in acts that will seriously affect the interests of our people. Not contented, based on what Dr. Roopnarine is saying, they apparently want more resources from tax-payers to fund their ‘self-admitted’ incompetence. This is the height of brazen and recklessness behaviour and confirms that not satisfied with their drama in Parliament, they now want to openly control Government. Old Kai must thank Dr. Roopnarine for confirming the contention of the PPP/C all along, in that the PNC (disguised as APNU) is looking for any and every way to regain the reins of Government and begin a new wave of entrenched dictatorship under Burnham’s prodigy, David Granger.

Old Kai also had a good laugh, even though it is serious business. Roopnarine apparently wanted to give the impression that APNU has policy documents, “but I would say if you look at APNU’s manifesto, you will see clear policy guidelines in a number of these areas, but as it relates to an updated plan on specific issues like security, I would say that it is probably in people’s heads and not properly documented. I believe that is something we will have to look at. We will have to bring forward our policy papers again and update them in the light of experience, and what has been happening, and put out a set of renewed policy documents.”

Did you spot the many contradictions in his statement? These people cannot bluff Guyanese anymore, what manifesto and policy document is he talking about? After much queries and chastisement, they belatedly managed to announce couple days before November 28, 2011 that they had come up with a manifesto or at least that is what it was supposed to be. The document was only fit for the Eccles dumpsite as it was all gibberish, while they also copied and pasted content from the PPP/C manifesto and claimed it as their own ideas. These individuals had over a year to plan for election and what are their alternative ideas should they be elected to Government. But they failed to put a plan on paper to show the Guyanese people, indicating just how unprepared they were.

Now, over two years later, they still have not found time to focus on their ‘documents’ and cannot identify their alternative ideas to that of the PPP/C but the excuses still keep coming at a rapid pace.

Old Kai can only hope that all Guyanese have now seen them for who they really are.

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