–so they start attacking Uncle Donald fuh get he fuh muzzle Old Kai
DEM Boys vex bad, bad, and is not because they have something genuine to feel aggrieved about; is shame they shame because Old Kai exposing deh sinister operation over dere, in de land of “Fancy-Suit Man and Burnham Boy”.
But dem should know that “fancy suit don’t win the race fuh de truth”, so that is why Old Kai tekkin he time fuh expose dem in front of de Guyanese public. Dem Boys don’t like being exposed from de front; dem prefer it another way, but Old Kai don’t deh in dem I-tation dah.
So that is why dem tekkin nuff headache to find out Old Kai identity. They getting nervous after I exposed their financial racket, and why dem don’t want the Anti-Moneylaundering laws in place.
Is nah me de seh how “fancy-suit man” got he hand on de pulse of de criminal underworld; is Uncle Sam. So, rather than fight Uncle Donald in de hope that he will give dem the identity of Old Kai, dem should ker dem “seh-seh story” elsewhere. Donald don’t fall fuh dem thing dah; dem should know dat by know.
“Burnham Boy” should resist getting his undergarments twisted in a knot because we exposing he new “Number One”. When he deh in front of “Fancy-Suit”, he does mek he feel nice by calling him he “Number One”. But when “Fancy-Suit Man” back turn, is another story, because “Burnham Boy” does quietly call he original “Number One” and tek he orders before saluting Granger over de phone.
Imagine, Granger get vex that we exposing de lies every day, so he ordered “Burnham Boy” to attack de Chronicle so they could get rid of Old Kai. That didn’t work, so they now move on to Uncle Donald. Deh crying and begging he, and when da ain’t work, they claiming how “de gloves coming off”, and deh gun knock he hard now wit de book of lies.
Dem should know by now that Uncle Donald does easily see past de “kochores” dem; he does patiently listen, and he does smile when he see dem agenda.
De other day, “Dem Boys” try a t’ing. Dem attack Chronicle and deh man from NICIL for putting an “ad” in this paper. Dem like attack de man from NICIL; not because they will have you believe that de man in corruption, but because they couldn’t corrupt de man when dem wanted to buy Guyana Stores for next-to-nutten.
De man refuse deh offers, and tell dem they will have to pay every cent to de nation if they want to buy the place. Deh didn’t get through with the NICIL man, so now deh end up in court, hoping de court will save them from paying what deh owe this nation. This is how these people evil! And then they try to trick us by throwing deh mess at other people and pointing fingers. I already remind dem about how many fingers does point back at dem when deh do that.
But back to de Chronicle story: de “ad” is for de sale of a building on Main street, and “Dem Boys” jump up and claim how something fishy with the sale and “That is why Brazzy put de Customs House only in de Chronicle. (Because) Nobody reads it.”
So, if “nobody reads it”, how come “Dem Boys” know so much that they can talk and write word-fuh-word about de “ad” published in de Chronicle? ‘Dem Boys” could proppa lie; and they talk it with a straight face too!
Dem like a Hawk looking at de Chronicle; and after this Old Kai column exposing dem once again, expect more of de same from dem, as you can never “teach an ole ‘Burnham Boy’ new tricks”.