– A very old human characteristic
POLITICS will forever reveal its share of personalities who promote their self-righteousness and ‘holier than thou’ attributes. Conscious of being in the public’s eye, they continue their daily diet of criticising all the perceived faults of whatever administration is in office. But this is a constant battle, of keeping up this masquerade of a facade that is bound to be exposed sooner or later. There is a defined attribute about hypocrisy that must be emphasised – its skilful deception, dangerous in every way, because of its ability to hoodwink.

Surely, recent revelations of a well-known city attorney, Nigel Hughes, also a high political functionary, of a political Opposition party – the Alliance For Change (AFC) involved in a transaction that is purportedly fraudulent, is another, though not altogether unexpected instance of this very old human characteristic of hypocrisy.
QUOTE: Surely, recent revelations of a well-known city attorney, Nigel Hughes, also a high political functionary, of a political Opposition party – the Alliance For Change (AFC) involved in a transaction that is purportedly fraudulent, is another, though not altogether unexpected instance of this very old human characteristic of hypocrisy.
For this legal practitioner, it is the second instance where his pretence has been exposed. In fact, the first incident which was well publicised drew widespread public criticisms for conflict of interest issues, which were clearly evident. Such was like a thunderbolt, for the impact that it exacted on constituents and members of the party, of which this attorney is chairman; and for those who would have respected this lawyer’s claim to moral impeccability. Of course, he resigned his party’s chairmanship, which had not been accepted, after issuing an apology.
Since members of the Bar are expected to be held to its highest traditions, then such a report must be an outright embarrassment to the profession, given this attorney’s heavyweight status among his peers.
But for his political Opposition party, it has to be grave cause for further concern given an earlier issue where he had been clearly culpable of conflict of interest issues, in an apparent failure to disclose his Company Secretary portfolio with the Amaila Falls Hydro Project, years after the fact. The grave contradiction was that his party was a main part of a relentless campaign against this very project!
The fallout from this disclosure was impacting, as it was instant for the nationwide condemnation of the attorney’s deemed unprofessional conduct. It is believed to have resulted in severe internal dissension, which may have prompted some important resignations.
Therefore, this recent incident can only add to the continuing severe damage of this Opposition party, already badly mauled from prior incidents of questionable doings by some other prominent members.
Also, its constituents will be further embarrassed and even angry, given the fact of their genuine support for a party that promised to usher in a new brand of morality.
Notwithstanding the fact that this is a professional matter, it must be emphasised that this attorney is a leader of a political party, and is expected to be an example in such a capacity. It is therefore hypocritical that this serious misdemeanour has allegedly been committed by such a high-profile personality, who has been part and parcel of his party’s chorus of vitriol and vehement criticism of every aspect of government in this country.
This latest disclosure of an allegedly high sin must again warn the electorate, that the AFC party is beset by selfish, greedy and dishonest leaders, who are being regularly exposed, because of their uncontrolled material lust. They are the persons who have been strutting around Guyana, misleading citizens. Their only example given, since the inception of the 10th Parliament, has been naked hypocrisy, with another glaring example again seen!
The nation’s choice of voter support in the next national poll, has now been made much easier.