-female GDF rank in custody
FIFTY-FIVE year old Donna Taylor was on Friday night found murdered in her back yard with her throat slit and hands bound behind her back. Her visiting friend from the United Kingdom Samantha Sabat who was also at the woman’s home at the time of the incident is presently hospitalised at a city hospital.The Guyana Chronicle was informed that the UK -based resident might have been thrown over the verandah of the two-flat building located at Lot 16/17 Agricola Main Road, East Bank of Demerara.
Information reaching this newspapers indicated the death of the 55-year old woman and the injury of her friend was committed by an intruder who is either known or unknown to the family. However, the police have

arrested the girlfriend of the dead woman’s son.
Speaking with the Guyana Chronicle yesterday next to where his wife’s body lay motionless the night before, Bertram Taylor said that he was at work when he received a call from his daughter that his wife was murdered at their home. The man said that he rushed home only to find his wife lying in the yard with her throat slit and hands tied.
The man said that before reaching his wife he bumped into his wife’s friend who was lying in the yard bleeding from a wound to the head, he said that at first he thought the woman was dead but when he went over her he realised that she was still breathing and she was rushed to the hospital.

At the time the man spoke with this publication yesterday, he said that the UK citizen was still unable to speak much but was recovering. He said that she is the person who holds the answer to all of the many unanswered questions, including who invaded the home and who carried out the act.
The woman travelled to Guyana in January to attend the funeral of her father who was buried two weeks ago and remained in the county to transact some other business. From all indications the relatives of the dead woman are not treating the incident as a robbery since nothing was taken from the home.
The man who works as a security guard said that he was told that persons heard a noise coming from the house and telephoned his daughter. His son works with him at the security service.
Yesterday Taylor told this newspaper that his son has been having a relationship with a female from the village who works in the Guyana Defence Force. He said that the woman is a very aggressive person and his son was not willing to carry on the relationship with her any longer.
The younger Taylor is said to have a very good relationship with his mother and did indicate to her that he was breaking off the relationship with the GDF rank, the young man also informed the young lady that he was not willing to continue a relationship with her.
The Chronicle was told that the last such message the man gave the young lady saw her falling to her knees and begging the man not to leave her as she promised to change her ways and review her attitude towards him but the man would have none of it.
It is not clear if the woman believed that her boyfriend’s mother engineered the breakup and decided to take revenge on the woman by attacking her in her home.
However, the police reported yesterday that they have a female in custody who is assisting with the investigation.
On Saturday morning at the police station, the GDF rank was being questioned when it was observed that the pants she wore at the station is not the same pants she was spotted with at the murder scene, the police then sought to question her about the pants she was wearing earlier and she attempted to deny that she ever had a change of clothing.
However, she later told the police that the pants she was wearing is that of her boyfriend and the police told her that she needed to bring to the police station the pants she was wearing when she was at the murder scene and she was accompanied to uplift the item.
It was then that it was realised that the pants that the woman changed had blood stains but she told the police that what they were seeing is not blood stains but rather it was paint.
The pants has been lodged by the police and could be one of the main pieces of exhibit for evidence should the woman be charged for murder and attempted murder.
Yesterday the husband of the dead woman explained that he was never really comfortable with his son seeing the GDF officer but he never allowed his personal feelings to be imposed on his son or to influence his decision hence his decision not to tell his son much, with respect to the relationship he was in.
(By Leroy Smith)