A TEN-YEAR-OLD boy, along with an adult, yesterday pleaded not guilty to a robbery under arms charge before Magistrate Sherdel Marcus- Issacs at the New Amsterdamn Court.The minor, a Grade Five student, along with Hubert Elgin, known as ‘Squeeks’, a construction worker of 19 Vryman’s Erven , in New Amsterdam , is alleged to have been armed with a broken glass bottle when they allegedly robbed Coretta Lewis .
The virtual complainant was walking along Main Street, in the New Amsterdam Township, when the duo, allegedly snatched her handbag containing a black berry cellular phone, a silver chain, and $98,000 cash on October 25, 2013.
The minor was initially remanded to the Juvenile Centre, after the virtual complainant reported that she was recieving threats. But he was subsequently released in the custody of his mother, who was ordered to post $20,000 bail for him.
Elgin was granted $100,000 bail. They are expected to return to Court on February 10, for statements and fixture.
10-yr-old charged with robbery under arms