ROAD accidents remain among the top 10 leading causes of death, and account for the most disabilities in Guyana. This was revealed by the National Rehabilitation Services Strategy 2009–2013 of the Ministry of Health.And with the death of Chief Librarian Gillian Thompson of the National Library, calls for action have increased, the most recent coming from the political coalition A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).
Speaking with the Guyana Chronicle yesterday, Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee said a meeting to address the way forward is planned for this week with the Guyana Police Force Traffic Department (GPF), the Guyana National Road Safety Council (GNRSC) and other road safety stakeholders.
Also up for consideration will be the recommendations made by APNU to assist Guyana in meeting the objectives of both the UN’s Global Decade of Action for Road Safety Month 2010-2020 and the GNRSC’s Strategy for 2013-2020.
APNU recommended the following:
* Implement measures to ensure that roads running through heavily populated communities are better lit at night, are provided with sidewalks, and are unencumbered by vendors’ stalls, stray dogs, farm animals and/or parked or broken-down vehicles.
The deteriorated surfaces of the main roadways in East and West Berbice, East and West Demerara and Linden-Soesdyke Highway which have deteriorated must be repaired;
Improve the safety of the most vulnerable road users – pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists. Some drivers of commercial vehicles and minibuses simply do not have the discipline, skill, experience or temperament to be entrusted with responsibility for human lives on public roads. Many display aggressive behaviours and poor road discipline by driving under the influence of alcohol. Measures must be taken to disqualify incompetent and incorrigible persons from driving taxis and buses
Inspect newly imported motor vehicles to ensure that the minimum global safety accessories and features are adopted. There are now about 80,000 vehicles on Guyana’s roads, and their safety performance must be rigorously re-assessed
Increase and sustain enforcement of road safety laws and standards, as this is necessary to improve road user behaviours. Police enforcement operations such as ‘Operation Safeway’ and ‘Operation Road Order’ quickly degenerated into the arrest of hundreds of petty offenders without stopping the spiralling toll of fatalities.
Responses to excessive speeding on the roadways should also include patrolling high-risk zones by day and night; enforcing lower speed limits wherever public roads run through populous rural communities; ensuring that minibuses and other commercial vehicles carry the lawful complement of cargo or passengers; banning distracting music and movies from minibuses; and prohibiting the sale of intoxicating beverages in or near to public transportation terminals.
Moreover, introduce improved emergency care and pre-hospital services for victims of accidents by establishing a national ambulance service and training a corps of first responder emergency care assistants.
Rohee explained that the stakeholders will also consider initiatives for 2014. The outcome of the meeting is expected to be made public later this week.
According to the Police Traffic Department, road fatalities at the end of November 2013 increased by two over statistics for 2012. There were 100 fatalities from 92 accidents in 2013, compared to 98 fatalities from 90 accidents in 2012.
The 2013 period saw reductions in other categories of traffic accidents – serious, minor and damage.
So far, pedestrians have been the main road users affected, with 37 such persons having lost their lives at the end of November 2013.
In addition, 16 motor cyclists, 12 pedal cyclists, 14 drivers of motor vehicles, three pillion riders, and 18 passengers of motor vehicles also lost their lives during 2013.
Speeding continues to be a major contributory factor to fatal accidents, and was the cause of 65 of the 92 fatal accidents recorded at the end of November 2013.
Police traffic enforcement activities during 2013 resulted in a total of 107,650 cases being made against errant motorists, of which 20,443 were for speeding.
Written By Vanessa Narine