In tribute to Derrick Josiah’s memory
THE remains of Assistant Commissioner of Police, Derick Josiah have been laid to rest. That this senior police officer’s death sent shock waves through all the Force’s ranks has been manifested by the open emotions displayed by the serving ranks, at every level. Every policeman was touched by his sudden and unexpected death, and this highly respected officer became the subject of fulsome praises, beginning from President Donald Ramotar who described his great respect for officer Josiah; Commissioner Brumell with similar sentiments, while adding that the late Assistant Commissioner was a dedicated officer willing to go the extra mile, in addition to being a dedicated Christian.

Moving tributes were also received from a noted women’s civic organisation that highlighted this officer’s ready assistance to the battle against the domestic violence scourge. And as would be expected, the Ministry of Home Affairs hailed his outstanding contribution, not only as a serving officer, but also to the security reform process, of which he was a very valuable contributor.
Absolutely, Derrick Josiah was a great asset to his organisation for the naturally good, moral minded citizen that he was and continued to be, despite rising to its top echelon. He was unique, in not abusing his authority, nor becoming tainted by the many allegations and controversies that have embroiled many of his former colleagues.
His activities during his years of service, particularly as he began to assume leadership positions, reveals the nature of an officer who was visionary, definitely creative and analytical, understanding the nature of his command, and used such for the further good and enhancement of the proper functioning of the Force and, in the process, society. Especially commendable was the fact that he understood the challenging problem of law enforcement relations with the community, as it relates to the local environment. Therefore, his formation of the many police-community organisations, reflected a sociological thinking about the dire need to repair this smoldering distrust that has become the bane of a relationship that is so vitally important to crime solving.
The many youth programmes that he nurtured, explained his grasp of the need to capture the hearts and minds of this vital human resource at an early stage, for positive, productive use, not only for themselves, but also towards a better understanding of their roles as responsible citizens.
It is obvious, from the types of community programmes that he guided, the ultimate aim was to bring about an improved closer and harmonious relation between communities and the police force, where trust would become the pivot; a better appreciation of the role of law enforcement, coupled with the important fact of directing the energies of youths in enlightened directions.
The fact that he had been part of the Reform process, where his contributions were lauded, is confirmation of his in-depth understanding of the social and psychological issues at play within the realms of society. His conceptual skills of the interplay of such dynamics would have made him very unique in the current modernisation process underway.
This outstanding officer, the type that was rare throughout the ranks of the local institution, combined natural talent with profound spiritual values that enabled him to lead by example, and an inspiration to all.
His loss is undoubtedly a grievous blow, especially at such a time of fundamental change of the current characteristics of local policing. But as a tribute to his memory, those who would have been inspired by his shining principles and looked up to him during his years of honest service and have eulogised him, now that he has departed, can best honour his memory by continuing to uphold the sterling values and tenets of service and enlightened leadership he had given, during 28 years service.
The Force can only become a better institution, modernised and better able to serve a transformed Guyana.