Traditional Christmas in Guyana is the best so I am going back to basics
Old Kai is the happiest person in the world. Why shouldn’t I be, after all I am in Guyana soaking up that traditional Christmas season which has now become world renowned. Clearly, thousands of people from all across the globe feel that same way too judging from the overcrowding in the arrival area at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport for several weeks now. Yes, black cake and ginger beer is in high demand now. But I have a problem; I cannot find the closest thing to home-style bread at the many locations I have looked so far. Don’t get me wrong, I think we have some of the best bread being made in Guyana but at this time of the season, I need that unique homemade bread to go with my pepper pot. So I’ve decided that ‘I am going back to basic’ just like the famous Kaiso tune years ago by Trinidad Rio. I am getting a coal pot and baking my own bread for Christmas.
Old Kai has a bit of advice too. If you don’t necessarily have to, then please don’t drive into the Capital city. I only took almost 3 hours to get from Brickdam to Charlotte Street in traffic to look for my coal pot. So I have decided to go back to basics; is either a two wheel bicycle or a wooden scooter with cotter-pin bearings for wheels to beat this traffic. Yes, I am going back to basics.
Black cake, yard fowl and curry goat for Christmas, I am going back to basics. Ginger beer and some XM or El Dorado for Christmas, yes I am going back to basics.
Old Kai doesn’t have a problem with all them fancy shindigs at the entertainment spots because he like go and shake he leg sometime but a having a ‘lil’ drink in the yard with friends and neighbours for Christmas. Yes, I am going back to basics.
I even notice Uncle Donald and Aunty Deolatchmee going back to basics with so much Christmas parties for the less fortunate across the country. Bless their hearts for two very genuine people. Yes, we going back to basics. Even, the PPP going back to basics and linking from top to bottom starting with the grassroots. Yes, they going back to basics.
But count on the Opposition to always mess up things, they hear all the talk and of course they don’t want to be left out. However, is a bad thing when you do not pay attention! They only hear ‘……… to b-asics’ and right away they go run down to one of the footwear stores and buy the ‘asics’ brand of running sneakers, thinking that the Government going to start exercising for elections. Now all of them turn up at a State House party for lil children with fancy suits and running shoes, thinking that Uncle Donald gun mek some big announcement. Well they thought wrong but at least the stores get them money.
The biggest laugh will come tonight. Santa has already made his list of who was naughty or nice this year. So if you see a big man in red and white on a donkey cart tonight, don’t think is Old Kai; is actually Saint Nick ‘going back to basics’.
Merry Christmas to all Guyanese on this most joyous occasion and let’s not forget the religious significance of this special day.