Ramjattan seeks to cut $300M in funding for Amerindian projects

LEADER of the AFC, Kemraj Ramjattan, filed a motion with Parliament late yesterday to cut $300M in supplementary funding earmarked for the provision of projects and programmes in Amerindian communities.
The $500M supplementary funding was tabled by Minister of Finance Dr. Ashni Singh on November 7 and is expected to be debated in Parliament today.Minister of Amerindian Affairs, Pauline Sukhai, upon receiving a copy of the motion said she was extremely appalled at the AFC leader.
“This motion clearly demonstrates the bias and contempt towards Amerindian development in Guyana and provides further evidence that the ACF is intentionally and maliciously stifling the Amerindian people,” the minister said.
The $500M supplementary funding comes on the heels of the just concluded National Toshao Council meetings which sought to provide a forum for Amerindian village leaders to plan developmental projects for their respective communities.
“The financial request is a direct response to the needs identified by the Amerindian leaders themselves to ensure children have access to an education, food and health care.” explained Minister Sukhai. “It also enables villagers to be self-sufficient in trade and agriculture through the development of roads and access paths.”
The Amerindian Affairs Minister explained that the provision of transportation to indigenous villages will ensure that children do not have to walk or paddle miles per day in order for them to reach to school or access health facilities. Likewise, due to the remoteness of villages in the hinterland, villagers do not easily access transportation, roadways and access paths through which they can transport agricultural produce. The supplementary funding was expected to provide much needed aid to those communities as Government continues to support their self-sufficiency.
“Agriculture is the backbone for many of these villages. To deny these communities transportation is to deny them economic and food security,” said the minister
“I don’t believe the AFC has any commitment to the development of this country,” the minister said. “These villages have experienced years of neglect and marginalisation by the previous regime, and now, the AFC is continuing this legacy.”
The minister reassured however that all efforts will be made at her end to ensure that the AFC explains and justifies the proposed cuts to her constituents.
“This proposed cut is highly unacceptable by any political party,” the minister said. “I can justify any request for funding to the Amerindian people in Parliament.”


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