Is Lawrence Griffith’s job on the line?

“THOSE who forget the past are condemned to repeat it”. As such, I hereby refer to the above caption as it relates to the publication of a letter in K.N. 28.11.13 captioned: “Leave Matthias alone, detractors back off” by Lawrence Griffith. Editor, while I intend to make my comment brief, may I enquire from Lawrence how long has he been under the employ of the Guyana Football Federation (GFF), and what year was he the secretary of the GFF? I cannot recall the exact year Mr. Griffith had started working with the GFF, or when he was the secretary. What I do know for sure is, when the GFF had established its office in Bel Air Park, which was under the presidency, of former president, Mr. Colin Klass. For the records and for public edification, the individual would have served as secretary of the then GFL and GFA, and definitely not the GFA and GFF respectively!

By the way, can Lawrence safely, say publicly, under whose presidency he served as an administrator/employee? A period of six months would have elapsed and only one competition to date would have commenced? With this observation as an established fact, then given the inherent debt and cash-strapped situation of the GFF, Mr. Griffith’s employment as Competitions/Tournament Coordinator should cease forthwith, along with others, who are masquerading as competent administrators, but are rather useless. Forty years and still counting of servitude to the sport! Has Mr. Griffith subtracted the years when he was suspended as a former secretary, of the then GFL and would he care to state the reason? While I must admit that within the GFF’s secretariat the individual is the most knowledgeable administratively and definitely in the area of Refereeing! So, too is his stewardship as a salesman, in the illicit sales of football equipment the sport has been deprived of for development. The individual should do some soul searching, whereby meals even down to a few loaves of bread, compliments of Humphrey’s Bakery, while Mr. Desmond Alfred was the national coach were pilfered from the national team! Was this act personal self-aggrandizement, self-enrichment or kleptocracy?
“Perched precariously like a lizard on a limb, while being caught between a rock and a hard place”! Mr. Griffith’s defence of Matthias and definitely not football is riddled with distortions, deceptions and half-truths! Since he claims, “Matthias took up the reins of president sometime in March, 2013 and a massive debt in the vicinity of $40M”. The AGM of the GFF was held in April, not March, while it’s public knowledge the inherent debt was $30M. Lawrence, why add $10,000,000, is this amount a further accumulation that is growing to how much we don’t know? Where is the evidence of accountability, transparency and development? Is it within unilateral decisions devoid of General Council’s approval? Shame on you! At the end of the day your sealed lips over the years, for all the shortcomings in the sport, were met with stony silence. Can this be construed as condoning malpractices!
“For we wrestle not against flesh, nor blood; but against principalities and powers and wickedness, that exist in high places.” So, should this present administration of the GFF, be spared? Absolutely not! While a little bit of self-confession is good for the soul, I do hope Lawrence you don’t live to regret the contents of your letter over the coming years. Since associations and clubs are mismanaged more than ever before, which is evident on a daily basis; as a matter of fact with no structured programme of development in place, compounded by the absence of competitions, is also depriving the sport of producing another “Lily” Pollard, Adrian Forde, Osmond Juene, Christopher George, Kevin Archer and Dion Barnwell. Please Lawrence, set a proper wall, stay focused on the goal-line as this direct free-kick is curling towards goals and don’t duck, as was/is customary!


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