–The hottest soft-colate on the block
ANDROID has a face only an engineer could love. LOL! At least, that’s the reputation it has earned over the past few years. Google’s mobile OS is a hotbed of mobile innovation and new technologies, but its interface doesn’t have the friendly consumer-centric design of iOS or Windows Phone. With Android 4.4 KitKat, Google aims to address this shortcoming, while baking-in a handful of nifty new features.
But the plastic surgery is incomplete. While iOS7 is easily identifiable by its flat, bright colours and lightweight fonts, and Windows Phone carries on with Live Tiles, the KitKat interface has no single recognizable trait. Yes! It’s flatter and brighter! But what isn’t these days? Worse, the redesign seems pushed out the door too early. Scratch beneath the surface, and you’ll find built-in apps and menus that haven’t been updated to the new look. There’s a lot to like about Google’s first name-branded OS release, but I can’t help but say this sweet treat isn’t quite ready to be unwrapped.
A shiny, vibrant new interface
The Notifications bar on KitKat is no longer a solid colour, and instead blends in with the rest of the screen, while the application drawer makes better use of the real estate.
Select from wallpapers, place a widget, or tamper with the settings panel by holding down on the Home screen.
Now, if you want to add a widget, all you have to do is hold down on the Home screen to bring up a menu that lets you add widgets, customize the wallpaper, and choose your launcher. This action feels more intuitive than past versions, which require that you dig through the application drawer to do anything to the Home screen besides change the wallpaper. It’s a perfect example of Google’s minor design improvements.
The rest of the interface remains seemingly untouched, however. The Notifications shade has new icons, but the Settings panel looks the same. Minor apps, like the Calculator or News & Weather, appear neglected. It’s almost as if Google rushed through Android 4.4 in an attempt not to fall behind its competitors. Not that it will matter much, since only a small portion of Android users will get to experience the new interface in its native state. The vast majority will see whatever skin Samsung, HTC, or LG imposes on them.
The Notifications shade features new icons, but overall it retains the same look as Jelly Bean.
If you’ve used the Chrome-book Pixel, you’ll notice that the interface is somewhat similar, a clear indicator that Google is moving toward a universal set of design guidelines to bind all of its products. For now, consider KitKat’s new interface an introductory course into what’s to come in Google’s future.
Here’s what Google is doing with your data
KitKat really pushes Google’s services on you, and desperately wants to collect your data, but it also makes it clear what it’s collecting, how it’s used, and gives you more options to opt out.
Android 4.4 features a new Locations panel that is more explicit about which apps are utilizing location services and for what purpose. From the Notifications shade, you can click through to the Location settings and choose, on an app-by-app basis, whether to allow Location services or not, and how your location should be determined. If you want more accuracy, you can combine GPS, Wi-Fi, and mobile network towers. If you want to save battery, turn off GPS. Or, use only GPS should Wi-Fi or mobile networks is unavailable. You can glance at which applications made recent location requests, as well as edit the individual Google location settings for any apps that make use of the data.
The often-forgotten Dialer
We’ve reached the point where the phones in our pockets are so far removed from the phones of yesteryear that updates to the app that actually makes phone calls are worthy of praise.
Android 4.3’s Dialer app is plain and simple, but 4.4’s aims to be a little more contextual.
The Dialer app sports the new interface and opens with your favorite contacts front and center, as well as your recent calls, instead of that boring grid of numbers. Google has finally acknowledged that we rarely make calls on our phones by dialing numbers on a keypad. Thankfully, Google made it easier to search through your contacts by name, making that ability the first thing you see.
Beginning early next year, Google will also show you the Google+ profile for incoming calls-even those who are not in your circles-essentially turning the app into a full-fledged phone directory. It’s clear that Google wants you to use its social networking service for connecting with others.
Google Now, now, now!
In KitKat, Google Now resides in its own Home screen panel.To get to it, all you have to do is swipe over all the way to the left-or you can shout at your device, “Okay, Google.” You’ll have to wake up the screen for this to work; Google didn’t just give the whole world the MotoX’s best feature.
The new features in Google Now may possibly see their way over to other versions of Android in a future update, but for now these enhancements are only available on KitKat.
It’s the little things
I’ve always appreciated Android’s little things—the minor enhancements that you don’t normally read about in an advertising campaign and the things you don’t realize are there until you start digging for them.
Tap and Pay and Google’s Cloud Print services are now an integrated part of the Android operating system.
Just as was rumored, Google integrated its Cloud Print services directly into the Android operating system. You can now access the printer settings from the Settings panel and print documents to any cloud-enabled printer. You can also use Google Cloud Print to save a document to Google Drive.
Then, there is the Tap & Pay feature, which works with the Google Wallet app and lets you do things like pay for groceries where NFC is supported. It is also available from the Settings panel, though you don’t actually set anything up within that screen, but in the separate Wallet application.
KitKat is pretty good
From its list of features, KitKat sounds tasty, and Android 4.4 is certainly a step in the right direction. Its interface is bright and inviting and the newly added secondary features like Cloud Print integration and a new Dialer application should help make stock Android even more consumer friendly. You also have top-level access to Google+ and Google Now, so there’s no excuse not to take advantage of Google’s hottest features.