In Region 2… Chairman appeals for residents to stop dumping

CHAIRMAN of Region 2 (Pomeroon/Supenaam), Mr. Parmanand Persaud has appealed to Essequibians to desist from dumping garbage in drainage trenches across the Essequibo Coast.

Speaking at the statutory meeting of the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) on Tuesday, he said the region is, currently, experiencing heavy and consistent rainfall and he has received several reports where garbage in trenches is creating serious problems in terms of drainage.
The Chairman told Councillors of what residents of Sparta village dumped included the carcasses of dead animals in a main drainage trench which has led to siltation.
Persaud said an excavator had to be sent to the area to clear the waterway because of the careless discarding of waste.
He said the Government has put a system in place for Pooran Brothers Garbage Disposal Service to be responsible for collecting household waste from Supenaam to Charity at a small fee, according to contractual arrangements with residents.
Persaud, in his appeal to residents, said household waste should be placed in plastic bags or barrels so the contracted company can pick it up.
He called on all residents to desist from discarding in waterways, on road parapets and the seawall, Atlantic Ocean or rivers.


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