RECENTLY, two prominent businessmen were fatally shot by person/s who believe that they have a right to go out there and take someone else’s property.
Two hardworking, productive citizens who are making a contribution to our country in a very tangible way only to be cut down by the criminals’ guns. Cold-blooded murderers well armed, who select their target then carry out their deadly operations with razor-sharp precision. This is the kind of situation that has enveloped society where gun crimes have left us at the mercy of criminals. The gun-toting criminal invades homes and violently takes what he wants, anyone who resists – to use their own language – must be taken out “end their dance.” This is what Guyana has become as criminals go about their “profession.”
Now, this whole crime situation can be dealt with if only certain firm steps are taken. For starters, the police need to go out there and carry the crime fight to the criminals. Go into their hideouts and root them out- criminals and guns. These high-powered weapons are kept in homes willing and able to carry out another deadly heist, therefore, at those very homes searches are to be made. Strangely enough, the criminal landscape is not that remotely hidden from the police nor are they ignorant of their whereabouts. Planned raids are to be made at times when the criminals are most vulnerable. These police raids should not be limited to their homes alone but should encompass the stop and search strategy also. Criminals travel in vehicles like ordinary people. Then, stop and search them! These are effective moves that would bring amazing results.
I have written at length on this note that the police must adopt the proactive approach to this upsurge. I am positively sure much headway can be made if the police get a firm grip of the situation. Get a firm hold on them before they escalate the mayhem. There should be no let up in the firm approach of the police.
Next and very crucial to crime-fighting is the idea of putting criminals under surveillance. Criminals and their associates should be under constant watch, their every move should be monitored.
I know what would be the hue and cry from certain politicians and criminal lawyers’ fraternity. Profiling! As in racial profiling they would shout at the top of their lungs they are profiling our youths.
Yes, they used such terminology when the crime spree was at its zenith, not that they wanted to help the police in bringing down crime otherwise used to make a way out for the criminal. Once again they are going to make out a case for their criminal friends. But cry foul they would in their attempt to protect the criminal. As a consequence, the police as protectors of society have every right to do their job also. Keeping constant tabs on them as to their whereabouts is a duty they must perform.
Finally, criminals can be brought in guilty by having them to account for their so-called earnings. How did you get so many assets having no job and no legal income? It’s an all too familiar experience where we see these shady characters owning vehicles as well as landing huge deposits in our banks. How did they arrive there? What were the conveyances used to get there? How did your status mushroom to that elevated position? These are searching questions criminals must answer. When an all- encompassing strategy surrounds the criminal he has no choice in the matter; no other alternative but to change his way of living. Then and only then can we have a lid on crime.