PLEASE allow me to revisit the issue of conflict of interest in the AFC in light of recent reports in the media that the AFC has formulated a Code of Conduct for its members. I would want to believe that conflict of interest is one of the issues addressed by the Code.
You would rightly recall that Mr. Christopher Ram has been most vocal in and out of the media on the issue of conflict of interest in relation to the appointment of Geetangali Singh as Deputy Auditor General, a position in which she served for many years prior to her confirmation and the Brassington brothers. As you are aware, both of these accusations were and remain baseless.
However, unlike Ms. Singh and the Brassington brothers, the conflict of interest position of the entire leadership of the AFC has been exposed and proven by a mountain of undisputable facts, including their own admissions – Khemraj Ramjattan, Fedders Lloyd and the Specialty Hospital; Cathy Hughes and Amaila Falls Hydropower Inc.; Nigel Hughes and Sithe Global; Moses Nagamootoo and NICIL. Yet self-appointed crusader against conflict of interest, Mr. Christopher Ram has been conveniently looking the other way.
This silence of Mr. Christopher Ram is deafening. He should know that as the self-appointed crusader against conflict of interest in Guyana he does not enjoy the luxury of being selective. By choosing to be selective, as in this case, he is simply being hypocritical.
What is even more surprising is that the AFC, and more specifically, its leader, Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan, is calling on the President to reward this hypocrisy with Guyana’s highest national award, the Order of Excellence. By simple logic, one is therefore forced to conclude that the AFC wants to reward Mr. Christopher Ram for ignoring the pandemic of conflict of interest within its leadership. Is there any limit to the AFC’s hypocrisy?
It is my understanding that Mr. Ram teaches Company Law at the University of Guyana. This is interesting because conflict of interest is one of the main topics in Company Law. I am therefore recommending that at a minimum, the case of Nigel Hughes and his wife Cathy be used as a case study in his tutorial class.