Unfinished business

SOMETHING has bugged me for the past few months, and I suddenly remembered: You gave me good advice a couple of years ago. 
A little background: I was engaged to “Adam” until his friend shared proof he cheated on me each time he was out-of-town on business. We broke up, but he kept emailing, texting and calling, telling me how much he missed me.

A year after our breakup, I learned from a mutual friend that Adam’s new girlfriend was pregnant, and they were getting married. I continued receiving texts from Adam, but didn’t respond.

Now for your thoughts!

I live within five miles of a town devastated by a tornado in May, causing many deaths and injuries. I did not have cell-phone service for a few days, but shortly after it was restored, I received a call from a number I did not recognize. It was Adam’s mother.

She lives in a different State, and I only met her two or three times. She said Adam is married, and that she wanted to apologise for the way he treated me. I was taken aback, since I barely knew the lady, but I thanked her. She then said she just learned she has Stage 4 breast cancer, and asked me to pray for her. I told her I would, and we hung up.

My first thought was that Adam asked his mother to call me to make sure I was alright, and let me know he was married. I have no idea how she would have my number if he had not given it to her. Even if she had it while we were engaged, I cannot imagine she would have kept it.

Why would she feel compelled to apologise for her son’s behaviour? My sister thinks she is feeling her mortality, and trying to mend fences.

A nurse from New Orleans told us about the mother of two young children who had terminal cancer. When the nurse started to offer sympathy, the other woman cut her short. “I don’t have time for that,” she said.

She told the nurse what she needed from her, and detailed plans for the final weeks of her life, which included taking her children to the Mardi Gras parade, and leaving a film record for them.

Death clarifies life. The phone-call from Adam’s mother was the call of regret she tried to make two years ago. She realizes that because she failed to raise a good man, you suffered. “It wasn’t you; I know it was my son. He won’t apologise, but I will apologise for him because I feel I am at fault.”

We remember what a scoundrel Adam is; don’t hold lingering thoughts he cares about you. If he contacted you through his mother after he married, it makes him appear even worse.

Innocent bystander 

I KNOW how this must sound, but give me a minute. My best friend’s girlfriend is ruining him and he seems oblivious. He’s changed so dramatically, I barely know him, and he has alienated his mother, when they were always so close.

He’s not a confident person, and battled for years to find love. Unfortunately, now he is in the prime of his career and making large amounts of money. As a result, he’s attracted the wrong type of woman, and gotten himself into an outrageous amount of debt.

I tried my darnedest to accept her, but I cannot do it. They recently celebrated their two-year anniversary, and he is talking marriage.

Sex is a powerful tool, and if she’s got game, the hook is set so deep, there’s no way she won’t land this fish. Financial ruin might be his only escape.

Some things, like a fever, have to run their course. Be there for him when things fall apart.

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