THE national internal sabotage by certain political miscreants, disguised as journalists and commentators, working in tandem with political parties committed to the destruction of the Government of the day, has successfully demolished our chance of ‘Hydro Power.’

Hydro has always been our dream as a nation, and it has been a personal wish and desire of the late presidents: Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham; Hugh Desmond Hoyte; Dr. Cheddi Jagan; Mrs. Janet Jagan and Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo. Dr Jagdeo, in his vision, went the distance that none did, and actually laid the groundwork for the commencement of ‘Hydro.’ I dare say that had he been still in power he would have moved ‘heaven and hell’ to have this achieved.

In his international recognition, Dr. Jagdeo used his clout and had established money procurement, and funds from the REDD+ Environment fund, being paid to us by Norway.
He showed that not a cent of debt would have been incurred. I believe him. But the Opposition elements, who are not against hydro, merely wish to embarrass the Government of the day, and to bring defeat and humiliation to it.

I believe this is what’s behind the back-and-forth shenanigans of the anti-government cabal. One can see the heads of the ‘HYDRA,’ as they fight and conspire against the benefits of ‘Hydro.’ Hydro is so close at hand, and the Opposition cabal has castrated it. The people of this country must remember this day, the period, when hydro was at hand, and those who made it ‘walk away.’

They seem bent on making the lives of the people unbearable, so that the people will be annoyed with the Government of the day, and the opposing forces may stand a chance at election! That they may win an election!

Winning an election is all that seems important to them. The gains of the people are of little concern. I believe the people of this country will remember this with much bitterness in their mouths and hearts. Had it not been for the Government of the Bharrat Jagdeo administration, the Berbice Bridge would have never happened.

We would still be at the Rosignol ferry stelling wishing for a bridge while suffering for hours to get into a ferry, if it operates on schedule. It seems that the Opposition group and the ‘journalistic miscreants’, which include Freddie Kissoon, are sadists, thinking the people of this country are masochists, enjoying suffering.

It annoys me when the anti-hydro cabal talks of profits the Sithe Global will make. This whole thing is a business, and this cabal must know people do business to make money. There has to be an incentive, and so what if they make money, and even lots of it? Our aim is to get what we want. Let them make their damn money. We want hydro!!! Idiots!! You do not know business, but you wish to ‘dig and smell.’ Wanting to dictate everything the Government does, even for the benefit of the people.

So the AFC boys came around. They finally woke up!! Saw the sunshine; does not wish to go down in history as a sucker who caused the loss of hydro? Ha! They smelled the coffee. They ‘sucked the pond dry’, fatigued everyone, and suddenly ‘patriotism,’ as leader of the AFC Ramjattan says, stepped in.

He suddenly is patriotic. Wow…what a patriot. I find it funny. But more funny, is how the PNC (aka, APNU), usually allow the AFC to appear to be their leader. I spoke to several leaders in the PNCites about becoming the doggies of the AFC.

In this case the AFC got the PNC, as usual, to follow it on the same team, like one body and soul as a part of the anti-hydro cabal.

But when the time is ripe, the AFC abandoned the PNC and voted for ‘Hydro.’ They have shamed the PNC/APNU with a mighty shame. How the PNC leadership can allow this I cannot imagine, being a strong and historical political force allowing the AFC to make a fool of it. It annoys and upsets me.

My personal take is that the PNC (APNU), wish to also vote yes, but is standing ground to make it appear that they are not following the AFC. This is how I see it.

Political parties of Guyana, and people of Guyana, we need hydro. Stable electricity is an important imperative. Without stable electricity, we cannot digitalise Guyana. The entire GRA and police interlinks will be difficult, and unreliable as generated electricity fluctuates and is unstable.

We need to be independent of fossil fuels, even if we discover it in Guyana. Hydro means less or no pollution. Hydro means that Guyana shines in the 21st century. Hydro means an end to personal generating systems, which ease business budgets and personal ones. Guyana will be on the high road to success. There will be more industrialisation, as electricity will be cheaper. Investors will find it attractive to come to Guyana as they will get stable and cheaper electricity. Hydro is more reliable…and the water always flows, and the flow is free!! The flow is guaranteed.

President Donald Ramotar laments his displeasure that we may lose hydro, in a conversation I had with him, and even in public pronouncements. He said: “I put my all into it. I have done everything possible.” He seems so genuine. So wishing for hydro, especially with it being so close, it hurts this writer.

I believe that it is not finished. We must never make it the end. We should recall Sithe Global. If we allow good sense to prevail as a nation, we can tell our political leaders to make this possible. The supporters of the PNC are historically powerful and dynamic people. They are the bosses. They must instruct their leaders to support hydro, and see that it is possible, or prepare to have Guyana remain poor and vulnerable, and we all will continue to pay through our noses.

I ask the members and supporters of the PNC to be radical in the quest for electricity. I even am surprised that some members of parliament of the APNU/PNC party did not refuse to vote with their party on this item of great national importance. In the USA and Europe, even India, we have seen historically such radicalism, where senators, congressmen or parliamentarians vote against their party, and I even admire such power and display of democracy in action.
I am such person. I would have no trouble voting against my party if I disagree in principle on a subject. I have my own mind.

The AFC showed it had its own mind when it abandoned the PNC, but too little too late Brother Ram…too little…too late. Shame on you!

Let us save hydro Guyanese fellows. Opportunity knocks but once.

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