THE people of Guyana, especially those who voted for the Opposition must wake up and ask themselves if the actions of the Opposition, both in and out of Parliament, represent their expectations when they voted for them in the 2011 elections.
The deception by the Opposition of those who believed their rhetoric during the 2011 elections and voted for them is becoming clearer by the day. It is clear that all the actions of the Opposition,
without exception, are directed at one single objective, which is not the development of Guyana and the welfare of its people.
It is the capturing of political power in Guyana regardless of the consequences of their actions for the nation and every single Guyanese. In fact, they are no strangers to this strategy; they have used it when the PPP was in government in the late 1950s and early 1960s. It is the only one they know and every single Guyanese, 40 years and older, have vivid memories of the consequences. The Opposition is once again at it, digging Guyana into a state of economic stagnation and political instability.
The Opposition’s clearest act yet of deception, betrayal and total disregard for the social and economic welfare for those who voted for them and all Guyanese, is the abuse of their one seat majority to vote down the single most important project for Guyana – the Hydro Electric Project (Amaila Falls hydro project), without being able to give one single valid reason.
The Opposition has also made themselves an even bigger laughing stock, not only in Guyana and the Caribbean, but in the entire world.
It is totally incomprehensible to anyone except, for themselves of course, why a project that is poised to propel Guyana to unimaginable economic and social progress is voted down. Ask someone who never went to school, an accomplished economist or an accomplish academic, and none of them will be able to explain why persons who called themselves representatives of the people and claim to be putting their country first, would deny that very country and its people the most important input for its development and raising the standard of living of those very people they claim to be representing – cheap and abundant renewable energy.
This is how wise Guyana’s Opposition leaders are, sad but unfortunately, true. And believe it or not, some of them are calling themselves economists and development specialists. Some of them even teach Economics, Development Planning, Public Policies, etc, at institutions of higher learning. Again, sad but unfortunately, true. In fact some of them even have titles such as Doctor and MBA added to their names. Indeed, the Opposition is made up of the wisest of the wise.
Imagine, how wise (and I should add shameless and bare face) these guys are that on the morning of July 18th they converged in Linden to blame the Government for the death of three persons who lost their lives as a result of violence they instigated to achieve their political goals, demanding free electricity from the rest of the country and within hours, they proceed to abuse their one-seat majority in Parliament to vote down the Hydro Electric Power Bill which would bring great relief to the more than 95% of Guyanese who reside outside of Linden.
The less than five percent people living in Linden and the development of their community will not be left out either. What the Opposition has effectively done in the National Assembly by voting down the Hydro Electric Project is saying to the 95% of Guyanese living out of Guyana: “You have no right to cheap electricity, development and a better standard of living.”
These Opposition parliamentarians are indeed the biggest bunch of hypocrites ever known in human history. They have just earned themselves this prestigious title. It is recommended that the Minister of Culture make every effort to record this great accomplishment as part of our heritage and gift to the world.
Ask someone who never went to school or an accomplished academic.