CLERK of the Regional Democratic Council [RDC] for Region 2, Mr. Sunil Singh, has sworn in Mr. Bowanie Persaud of La Bella Alliance, Essequibo Coast as a new Alliance For Change [AFC] Councillor on the Region 2 Democratic Council.
When the statutory meeting commenced on Tuesday last, the clerk read a letter from the Guyana Elections Commission stating that Mr. Bowanie Persaud was identified by the AFC to replace Mr. Archie Cordis as councillor on the RDC.
After taking his oath with a Holy Bible, Mr Persaud was asked to take his seat by Regional Chairman, Parmanand Persaud, who welcomed him to the council and invited the new AFC councillor to work in cohesion with the Council to develop the region.
Mr. Archie Cordis, who represented the AFC as a Councillor on the RDC for several years, tendered his resignation as a Councillor some three months ago.